![]() There was more action on the roads this weekend with various distances on offer as well as another BHAA race taking place on the cross-country course in the sports complex in Abbotstown. We start with Saturday morning’s Dingle full and half marathons. We had at least 6 athletes among the nearly 1800 finishers in the half, among them Mark Browne who arrived in Kerry the day before only to find that he had left his shorts behind. Thankfully, another Crusader, Adam O’Rourke, was able to respond with the donation of a pair to spare Mark’s blushes. There was no news as to whether they fitted or not, but Mark acquitted himself well with completing the challenging event, run in warm conditions, in 2:08:19 for 594th place. Mark was preceded by Kevin Lambe (72nd in 98:20) and by Barry O’Neill (414th in 2:02:30). Naivedya Bansal was next in 863rd spot with a time of 2:21:33, followed closely by Carina Davidson (916th overall and 427th female finisher in 2:23:14), and the contingent was completed by James Hogan (1582nd in 3:00:06). We had two runners in the 711-strong field in the marathon itself. Adam O’Rourke recorded a time of around 4:14:37 but his result appears to be missing for the time being, whilst John Corish placed 433rd in 4:53:48, using the race as a tester for the Dublin marathon in October. Of note for members, Isabelle Cairns took part in the Lost Sheep Triathlon down in the same neck of the woods over the weekend where in the area around Kenmare she had to swim 1.9k, cycle 80k and run 21k, the last she completed in 1:48:30. Also, on Saturday, Simon Kenny took part in the hilly Ardee & District AC Seamie Weldon 10k, conducted on country roads south of the County Louth town. In a field of 176, Simon placed a creditable 15th in a time of 40:41. On Sunday we had two runners in the inaugural BHAA-organised SNAP Jerry Kiernan Foundation 6k XC race set once again on the purpose-built course in Abbotstown, using a loop of 1500m. In a field of 67, Sean Murphy placed 23rd in 26:20, followed by Olwyn Dunne who placed 53rd, 11th and 1st F55 in 30:41. Numbers were generally higher than usual for Saturday morning’s parkruns than of late and we had at least 40 of our members take part as usual, a substantial percentage of which in just one event. We also had a couple of first finishers to maintain the streak as well as at least two podium places. There was a significant field in Poolbeg this weekend with 251 participants recorded, and Maeve Lochrie, in training for the Dublin marathon, ran well to place 11th overall and first female finisher in 19:21. With at least 25 Crusaders involved in the event, Maeve was preceded by Kenan Furlong (4th in 17:51) and Stephen Hurley (5th in 17:54) and then followed by Felipe De Sousa (14th in 19:52). Next came Ross Neill (15th in 20:12) and he was followed by Conor Macguinness (20th in 20:41), Piarais Neary (21st in 20:52), Tom Gleeson (28th in 21:34), Louise Dobbyn (36th and 3rd female finisher in 22:06), John Lohan (45th in 22:34), Josie Ward (61st and 8th in 23:42), Sharon Woods (77th and 13th in 24:22), Russell Murphy (96th in 25:12), Tanja Narancic (111th and 21st in 26:09), Aoife Cowhie (113th and 23rd in 26:12), Dee Ni Chearbhaill (120th and 27th in 26:39) and Tara Murphy (128th and 32nd in 26:53). It was great to see Sophia Morgan making a welcome return to competitive running and she placed 154th and 39th in 28:11, followed by Maureen McGinley (167th and 48th in 28:56), Christina Campbell (169th and 49th in 29:05), Cliodhna O’Reilly (182nd and 58th in 29:44), Máirín Shine (183rd and 59th in 29:48), Gillian Curran (186th and 60th in 29:51), Kevin Kenny (195th in 30:22), Cynthia Perucca (207th and 70th in 32:31) and Lisa Shine, tailwalking. Elsewhere, Dee Lawlor headed the field of 162 in Cabinteely where he recorded a time of 18:11. Dee was followed by Carmel Higgins who also distinguished herself with placing 33rd and 2nd in 25:21. Toby Benham placed 4th alongside 213 other runners in Tramore Valley, Cork, where he ran 18:53, whilst Olwyn Dunne placed 71st and 10th in Fairview with its field of 160. Olwyn ran 27:08. Meanwhile, Lorraine McMahon ran a time of 28:33 for 25th and 11th places in the 43-strong field in Pobalscoil na Tríonóide, whilst Darina Scully ran in River Valley Park once again, where she placed 72nd and 20th in 31:59. The field there amounted to 122. Down in Tramore, Waterford, we had 3 runners, led home by Paul F. Kelly who placed 19th in the field of 144 in a time of 23:07, followed by Fiona Bane (27th and 4th in 24:21) and Aoife Kelly (44th and 11th in 26:19). Mairead Cashman joined 204 other runners in Bushy Park, where she placed 146th and 48th in 31:24, whilst Orlaith de Burca and Jill Nason ran in Shanganagh, where, in a field of 220, Orlaith placed 107th and 27th in 28:22 and Jill finished in 123rd and 35th spots in 29:06. Finally, abroad, Richard Morrissey placed 15th in 17:29 in the 612-strong field in Dulwich, whilst Thom Martini took 666th spot in 27:24 in London’s Bushy Park in a field of 1477 and Aidan Hudner finished in 51st place in 18:53 in the 300-strong field in Pollok in Glasgow once again. BHAA SNAP Jerry Kiernan Foundation 6k (67) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Travers 1 00:18:22 10 Breffini Kelly 1 00:22:47 Crusaders AC runners 23 Sean Murphy 00:26:20 53 Olwyn Dunne 00:30:41 (11) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/bhaa-jerry-kiernan-foundation-xc-race/ Ardee & District AC Seamie Weldon 10k (176) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Dave Rooney 1 00:32:50 25 Claire O’Malley 1 00:42:47 Crusaders AC runner 15 Simon Kenny 00:40:41 Full results here: https://myrunresults.com/events/ardee_and_district_ac_seamie_weldon_5k__10k/5085/results Dingle Half Marathon (1769) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Daire Finn 1 01:13:22 12 Aoife Cooke 1 01:24:48 Crusaders AC runners 72 Kevin Lambe 01:38:20 414 Barry O’Neill 02:02:30 594 Mark Browne 02:08:19 863 Naivedya Bansal 02:21:33 916 Carina Davidson 02:23:14 (427) 1582 James Hogan 03:00:06 Full results here: https://myrunresults.com/events/dingle_half_marathon__full_marathon_2024/5082/results Dingle Marathon (711) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Ian Vanderven 1 02:44:08 30 Niamh O’Riordan 1 03:27:19 Crusaders AC runners XXX Adam O’Rourke 04:14:37 433 John Corish 04:53:48 Full results here: https://myrunresults.com/events/dingle_half_marathon__full_marathon_2024/5082/results Pobalscoil na Tríonóide Parkrun (43) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Kieron Fallon 1 00:20:07 3 Shannon Sotok 1 00:21:09 Crusaders AC runner 25 Lorraine McMahon 00:28:33 (11) Shanganagh Parkrun (220) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michael Nalty 1 00:18:51 15 Sheelagh Jones 1 00:21:29 Crusaders AC runners 107 Orlaith de Burca 00:28:22 (27) 123 Jill Nason 00:29:06 (35) Tramore Valley, Cork Parkrun (214) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aiden Lennan 1 00:16:02 6 Caoimhe Nic Fhogartaigh 1 00:19:08 Crusaders AC runner 4 Toby Benham 00:18:53 Poolbeg Parkrun (251) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ashley Hayes 1 00:16:56 11 Maeve Lochrie 1 00:19:21 Crusaders AC runners 4 Kenan Furlong 00:17:51 5 Stephen Hurley 00:17:54 11 Maeve Lochrie 00:19:21 (1) 14 Felipe De Sousa 00:19:52 15 Ross Neill 00:20:12 20 Conor Macguinness 00:20:41 21 Piarais Neary 00:20:52 28 Tom Gleeson 00:21:34 36 Louise Dobbyn 00:22:06 (3) 45 John Lohan 00:22:34 61 Josie Ward 00:23:42 (8) 77 Sharon Woods 00:24:22 (13) 96 Russell Murphy 00:25:12 111 Tanja Narancic 00:26:09 (21) 113 Aoife Cowhie 00:26:12 (23) 120 Deirdre Ni Chearbhaill 00:26:39 (27) 128 Tara Murphy 00:26:53 (32) 154 Sophia Morgan 00:28:11 (39) 167 Maureen McGinley 00:28:56 (48) 169 Christina Campbell 00:29:05 (49) 182 Cliodhna O’Reilly 00:29:44 (58) 183 Máirín Shine 00:29:48 (59) 186 Gillian Curran 00:29:51 (60) 195 Kevin Kenny 00:30:22 207 Cynthia Perucca 00:32:31 (70) 244 Lisa Shine 00:53:13 (89) Tramore Waterford Parkrun (144) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Dermot Twomey 1 00:17:17 11 Ruth Comerford 1 00:21:18 Crusaders AC runners 19 Paul F. Kelly 00:23:07 27 Fiona Bane 00:24:21 (4) 44 Aoife Kelly 00:26:19 (11) Bushy Parkrun (205) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Matthew Russell 1 00:18:21 12 Suzette Das 1 00:21:37 Crusaders AC runner 146 Mairead Cashman 00:31:24 (48) River Valley Parkrun (122) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Viktoras Kuzminas 1 00:17:52 21 Una O’Riordan 1 00:24:33 Crusaders AC runner 72 Darina Scully 00:31:59 (20) Cabinteely Parkrun (162) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Derek Lawlor 1 00:18:11 6 Emma Jourdan 1 00:22:05 Crusaders AC runners 1 Derek Lawlor 00:18:11 33 Carmel Higgins 00:25:21 (2) Fairview Parkrun (160) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Seán Cahill 1 00:18:34 6 Amy Hadley 1 00:20:55 Crusaders AC runner 71 Olwyn Dunne 00:27:08 (10) Comments are closed.