![]() If one wanted to run on hills this weekend there were plenty of options. Most of them involved runs organised by IMRA, but there were also the BHAA Garda races in the Phoenix Park on offer. We start, however with a couple of other events. Eddie Nugent was our sole competitor in the Leinster Masters 7k XC race in Kilcormack, Co. Offaly on Saturday morning. On a dry and intricate zig-zag of a course on a gentle slope in a large field, involving one small loop and 4 larger ones, Eddie ran in an overall field of 69, placing 17th M50 in a time of 28:21. Another race that needs mentioning is the running of the Annagassan 10k which was delayed by the big storm we experienced in early December. Sean Brady ran, placing 184th in a field of 745 and in a time of 46:56. Sean reported that the race involved a scenic trip by the seaside with only one serious hill at around 4k. We had a super turnout on Sunday for the BHAA races organised by the Garda beside the Magazine Fort and the Acres in the Phoenix Park. Occurring a little earlier in the year than usual there are always two races, a 2-miler for the women and a 4-miler that may include women, but rarely does. This year it was not exclusively run by men and Caroline Crowley and Julie McGrath joined in for 2/3 of it. The race involves at least two ascents of the gully up to the Acres from near the Khyber Pass and as a club we know the course well, most of our XC training taking place on much of the course on Saturday mornings. The women’s race went first with 14 members of the club running in a total field of 48. The ever-improving Caroline Crowley placed 2nd in a time of 13:16, finishing 24 seconds behind the winner and enjoying a similar margin over Julie McGrath who took 3rd spot in 13:39. In placing 8th in a time of 15:05 Gill Earley also finished 1st in her F40 age category, and she was just ahead of Rebecca Fleming at the end (10th in 15:07). Miriam Logan (2nd F40) came home next in 13th place in a time of 15:16 and was followed by Anna Brown (23rd in 16:56) and then by Susan Walsh (28th and 2nd F50 in 17:35). Emma O’Mahony also ran, placing 32nd in 18:05, followed by Ailish Hassett (35th in 18:20), Lisa Shine (36th in 18:29), Carina Davidson (37th in 18:45), Jessica Higgins (41st in 19:14), Lorraine McMahon (43rd in 19:29) and Máirín Shine (45th and 4th F65 in 20:47). The men’s 4-mile race enjoyed a field almost double that of the women’s race with 92 runners. Joe Walsh was first across the line for us in 10th place and also placing 2nd M45 in 25:10. Joe was followed by Billy O’Sullivan who enjoyed a decent sprint for the line, placing 19th in 26:16. Karl Walsh came next (32nd in 27:44), followed by Barry O’Mahony (44th in 29:34), Phelim Murray (47th in 29:47), David O’Donnell (57th in 30:29), Brendan Glynn (77th in 33:37) and Michael McGovern (88th in 36:44). The remaining events took place in Counties Limerick and Wicklow. On Friday evening IMRA organised the Ballyhoura Winter Moonlight Challenge, a mountain race with a distance of 28k and a climb of 990m and also the Dash, which was a race of 13k with a climb of 350m. Donatas Jocius joined 201 other competitors in the Challenge where he placed 42nd in 2:45:30, whilst, in the Dash, Ciaran Diviney ran alongside 180 other participants, where he placed 3rd in a time of 51:27. Then, on Sunday morning, Clare Sullivan was our sole participant in the IMRA-organised Brockagh Burst, a 6k mountain race circling the summit of Brockagh Mountain. In a field of 170, Clare distinguished herself once again by placing 27th overall and winning the women’s race in a time of 32:29, just one second ahead of the competitor in 2nd place. Saturday saw its usual complement of parkruns. We had just the one first finisher this week. Alby Allan led the field of 90 home in Waterstown, where he finished in a time of 18:41. Mairead Cashman followed Alby across the line in 48th spot (19th female finisher) in 34:28. Kate Murray placed 21st and 2nd in 25:36 in the 186-strong field in Lough Key, whilst Laura Malley also placed 2nd female finisher (17th overall) in 24:28 in Tolka Valley. Laura was headed by Kabir Sala (7th in 21:02) and followed by Martina White (55th and 17th in 30:09) and Maria Pertl (64th and 23rd in 31:56). Ciara Lehane ran in Mallow Castle alongside 82 other participants, where she placed 15th and 3rd in 23:34, whilst Fiona Shine and Emer Kenny crossed the line together in Laytown Beach in 3rd and 4th places (31st and 32nd overall). In a field of 78, they both ran 29:13, followed by Lisa Shine (43rd and 9th in 31:40) and Máirín Shine (49th and 13th in 32:29). Cian Coughlan ran in Tramore Valley, Cork, where, in a field of 337, he placed 13th in 20:36, whilst Luke Corcoran joined 304 other runners in Bushy Park, where he placed 8th in 20:50. Liam Lyster ran a time of 30:35 for 14th spot in Strokestown with its field of 41, whilst, in Tymon Park, Chris Bannon placed 51st in 26:09. The field there measured 136. Up for the rugby, Olwyn Dunne joined 707 other participants in Ormeau Park in Belfast where she placed 129th and 12th in 24:32, whilst Darina Scully ran alongside 352 other runners in Malahide, where she placed 139th and 25th in 25:47. We had 3 runners in Griffeen Park with its field of 278. Colm Foley took 49th spot in 23:49, followed by Caroline Crowley (71st and 11th in 25:44) and Eoghan Corrigan (117th in 28:50), whilst, in Shanganagh, David Carter placed 18th in 19:23, followed by Orlaith de Burca (195th and 61st in 30:11) and Jill Nason (210th and 73rd in 31:02). The field there measured 303. Poolbeg enjoyed another decent field of 270, including many Crusaders. Piarais Neary was first home in 20th spot (20:43), followed by Zlatko Kulic (22nd in 20:49), Garret Connolly(26th in 21:33), John Lohan (39th in 22:02), Stephen Hurley (44th in 22:22), Fiona Bane (75th and 14th in 24:14), Ger Buckley (82nd in 24:27), Emily Glen (103rd and 24th in 25:10), Tanja Narancic (116th and 27th in 26:08), Franky Keane (118th in 26:10), Aoife Cowhie (120th and 29th in 26:12), Tara Murphy (156th and 42nd in 27:48), Cliodhna O’Reilly (164th and 48th in 28:26), Aisling O’Riordan (172nd and 53rd in 28:44), Louise O’Riordan (183rd and 60th in 29:06), Lorraine McMahon (199th and 69th in 29:39) and Kevin Kenny (205th in 30:00). Further afield, Kris Ryan ran once again in Paradise Point, Queensland, Australia, placing 89th and 13th in a field of 520, whilst, Thom Martini ran in Gunnersbury in London, placing 18nd in 24:41 in a field of 754. Finally, Toby Benham continues to run in Worthing where, in a field of 647, he placed 199th in 24:51. BHAA Garda Women’s 2-mile XC (48) Overall place Name Guntime 1 Laura McDonnell 00:12:52 Crusaders AC runners 2 Caroline Crowley 00:13:16 3 Julie McGrath 00:13:39 8 Gillian Earley 00:15:05 10 Rebecca Fleming 00:15:07 13 Miriam Logan 00:15:16 23 Anna Brown 00:16:56 28 Susan Walsh 00:17:35 32 Emma O’Mahony 00:18:05 35 Ailish Hassett 00:18:20 36 Lisa Shine 00:18:29 37 Carina Davidson 00:18:45 41 Jessica Higgins 00:19:14 43 Lorraine McMahon 00:19:29 45 Máirín Shine 00:20:47 Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/BHAA_Garda_2m_2025_Results.pdf BHAA Garda Men’s 4-mile XC (92) Overall place Name Guntime 1 Sean Doran 00:22:07 Crusaders AC runners 10 Joe Walsh 00:25:10 19 Kevin (Billy) O’Sullivan 00:26:16 32 Karl Walsh 00:27:44 44 Barry O’Mahony 00:29:34 47 Phelim Murray 00:29:47 57 David O’Donnell 00:30:29 77 Brendan Glynn 00:33:37 88 Michael McGovern 00:36:44 Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/BHAA_Garda_4m_2025_Results.pdf IMRA Ballyhoura Winter Moonlight Challenge 28k (202) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Enda Cloake 1 01:59:44 12 Anita Locke 1 02:29:26 Crusaders AC runner 42 Donatas Jocius 02:45:30 Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2590/category/O/ IMRA Ballyhoura Winter Moonlight Dash (181) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Barry Hartnett 1 00:46:01 4 Kealey Tideswell 100:52:04 Crusaders AC runner 3 Ciaran Diviney 00:51:27 Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2591/category/O/ IMRA Brockagh Burst 6k (170) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Enda Cloake 1 00:25:33 27 Clare Sullivan 1 00:32:29 Crusaders AC runner 27 Clare Sullivan 00:32:29 (1) Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2643/category/O/ Annagassan 2024 10k (745) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Yared Derese 1 00:31:38 8 Aine Cotter 1 00:35:38 Crusaders AC runner 184 Sean Brady 00:46:56 Full results here: http://my.raceresult.com/318205/ Laytown Beach Parkrun (78) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Patrick Rafferty 1 00:20:32 4 Helen Carr 1 00:23:29 Crusaders AC runners 31 Fiona Shine 00:29:13 (3) 32 Emer Kenny 00:29:13 (4) 43 Lisa Shine 00:31:40 (9) 49 Máirín Shine 00:32:29 (13) Bushy Parkrun (305) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Joe Collery 1 00:19:06 19 Mary Donnelly 1 00:22:07 Crusaders AC runners 8 Luke Corcoran 00:20:50 19 Mary Donnelly 00:22:07 (1) Mallow Castle Parkrun (83) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Matthew Cooke 1 00:19:30 9 Bernadette O’Driscoll 1 00:22:23 Crusaders AC runner 15 Ciara Lehane 00:23:34 (3) Griffeen Parkrun (278) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Matthew Dunne 1 00:18:55 26 Maia Hannon 1 00:22:22 Crusaders AC runners 49 Colm Foley 00:23:49 71 Caroline Crowley 00:25:44 (11) 117 Eoghan Corrigan 00:28:50 Poolbeg Parkrun (270) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sam Robins 1 00:17:06 19 Isobel Radford-Dodd 1 00:20:25 Crusaders AC runners 20 Piarais Neary 00:20:43 22 Zlatko Kulic 00:20:49 26 Garret Connolly 00:21:33 39 John Lohan 00:22:02 44 Stephen Hurley 00:22:22 75 Fiona Bane 00:24:14 (14) 82 Ger Buckley 00:24:27 103 Emily Glen 00:25:10 (24) 116 Tanja Narancic 00:26:08 (27) 118 Franky Keane 00:26:10 120 Aoife Cowhie 00:26:12 (29) 156 Tara Murphy 00:27:48 (42) 164 Cliodhna O’Reilly 00:28:26 (48) 172 Aisling O’Riordan 00:28:44 (53) 183 Louise O’Riordan 00:29:06 (60) 199 Lorraine McMahon 00:29:39 (69) 205 Kevin Kenny 00:30:00 Lough Key Parkrun (186) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ted Burke 1 00:19:19 6 Orla Smith 1 00:22:21 Crusaders AC runner 21 Kate Murray 00:25:36 (2) Marlay Parkrun (610) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ronan Judge 1 00:18:11 6 Laura Ryan 1 00:18:49 Crusaders AC runner 421 Phil Sykes 00:31:28 Tolka Valley Parkrun (90) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Cian Wallnutt 1 00:19:35 14 Fikriye Hayes 1 00:23:43 Crusaders AC runners 7 Kabir Sala 00:21:02 17 Laura O’Malley 00:24:28 (2) 55 Martina White 00:30:09 (17) 64 Maria Pertl 00:31:56 (23) Waterstown Parkrun (90) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Alby Allan 1 00:18:41 2 Roisin McMahon 1 00:19:38 Crusaders AC runners 1 Alby Allan 00:18:41 48 Mairead Cashman 00:34:28 (19) Shanganagh Parkrun (303) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Killian Mooney 1 00:15:23 24 Aoibhe McCarthy 1 00:20:24 Crusaders AC runners 18 David Carter 00:19:23 195 Orlaith de Burca 00:30:11 (61) 210 Jill Nason 00:31:02 (73) Malahide Parkrun (353) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Conor Grant 1 00:18:21 6 Annette Kealy 1 00:18:39 Crusaders AC runner 139 Darina Scully 00:25:47 (25) Ormeau Parkrun (708) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Noah Watt 1 00:16:08 26 Kate Bradley 00:20:42 Crusaders AC runner 129 Olwyn Dunne 00:24:32 (12) Tramore Valley Cork Parkrun (337) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michael Byrne 1 00:17:41 18 Deirdre Wallace 1 00:20:57 Crusaders AC runner 13 Cian Coughlan 00:20:36 Strokestown Parkrun (41) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Gavin Joseph O’Reilly 1 00:20:41 4 Fiona Fallon 1 00:22:07 Crusaders AC runner 14 Liam Lyster 00:30:35 Tymon Parkrun (136) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Karl Nolan 1 00:16:38 23 Lorna Williams 1 00:23:21 Crusaders AC runner 51 Chris Bannon 00:26:09 Comments are closed.