Crusaders AC has for a long time got by with using the facilities and a small storage area at Irishtown Stadium.
While the facilities at the stadium are great, they are very limited. Mostly the changing rooms and showers are used. The club has a large membership with a lot of different needs from the club. Currently we struggle to meet the needs of all our membership. Most notably is to supply an area for juveniles to train when there is bad weather. Currently the Juveniles use the corridors outside the changing rooms when the weather is bad. Lack of a clubhouse makes it extremely difficult to maintain a focus at the club and develop it beyond merely a session on Tuesday night. For this and many many reasons several years ago the club set out to build our own club house. |
This process has been long (years) and arduous to say the least but we have finally started the process of building our own club house. The shell of the new club house is now visible from the track and is well on its way to complication.
The club has through several grants and fundraising managed to secure the bulk of the money needed for the club house, but we are still several hundred thousand short. We are there for going out to the membership, private companies and the general public to help fund the remaining shortfall.
Below are our current fundraising appeals, please take a look and perhaps you might help out and donate/ take part in one. First let us explain the details and other aspects of the club house and how it will benefit the membership.
The club has through several grants and fundraising managed to secure the bulk of the money needed for the club house, but we are still several hundred thousand short. We are there for going out to the membership, private companies and the general public to help fund the remaining shortfall.
Below are our current fundraising appeals, please take a look and perhaps you might help out and donate/ take part in one. First let us explain the details and other aspects of the club house and how it will benefit the membership.
Firstly, it's not just a club house it will actually contain a 40-meter indoor track. This will give an area for not just the Juveniles to train in bad weather but also the adult members. The club house will have a kitchen and social area where members can get tea and coffee, allowing for socialising after sessions and an indoor area for socials especially useful for winter months. As we will now have access to a large indoor training area the social committee can organise events that they couldn't before such as strength and training class, yoga or talks etc. (note classes organised by social will be one off event but may be repeated if proven popular)
The club house will be our own space with our own fitness and exercise area to do stretching and other exercises before and after training. The club house will allow us to show our heritage and display our sporting achievements throughout the years. |