![]() Happy New Year to everyone! The year has started off chilly, but sunny. Hopefully, we’re now through the monsoon-like conditions endured during the last two months of last year. There was a great turnout for the Liffey Valley AC-organised Tom Brennan 5k, which enjoyed a field of 772 on a cold, but totally calm, New Year’s Day in the Phoenix Park at midday. Conditions were ideal for PBs and some were achieved. However, there might have been more if the two lap course had not measured slightly long (by about 100m, these things happen). Each lap took runners from the start line about half way along the Furze road, with a tight right hand turn onto the Ordnance Survey Road up to the roundabout on Chesterfield and down the main drag, back onto Furze again. Finishers were taken wide down the left side of Chesterfield in order to have them turn onto the home straight wide of the back markers still completing their first lap. The field was probably at its maximum density for the race as quite a number of the race leaders had to negotiate the back markers, mostly walkers, wearing bright yellow shirts and race beanies, supporting the Lord Mayor’s Fit4 life initiative, as the leaders turned off the Furze road onto the ordnance Survey Road for the second time. It took some effort on the part of the lead motorcyclist and car to assist Hiko Tonosa (way out front) and many of those following to work their way through. Nevertheless, the race was extremely exciting with a strong fight for second place between Rathfarnham’s Mitchell Byrne and DCH’s Pierre Murchin, won eventually by Mitch. The women’s race was also one of quality with some well-known faces among the leaders (including Skerries AC's Ciara Durkan who has trained with us recently who placed 36th and 4th in 17:27), behind MSB’s Catherina Mullen who, like Hiko, also dominated her race. We fielded a contingent of at least 8 runners. Donnacha McCarthy was guided to a brilliant PB time of 17:35 for 40th place and he was followed by Ilona McElroy who placed 51st overall, 8th female finisher and winner of her masters’ age category in 18:00. Dee Ni Chearbhaill followed husband Sean home (Sean, who trains with us, ran 18:06 for 54th place), taking 108th place overall, 20th woman across the line and 4th in her age category, Enda Currid (209th in 22:37), Fiachra O’Cionnaith (219th in 24:05) and Alan Kavanagh (260th in 25:36). For the record, the women's team finished in 5th place, whilst the men were 10th. Elsewhere on this day, Mark O’Connor ran along the border between Counties Clare and Tipperary in the undulating and twisty (including steps and jetties) Lakeside to Lakeside 10k near Ballina and Killaloe. In a field of 62, Mark gained 3rd place with an excellent time of 38:05, although the course this time may have been slightly short. It was also great to see that Gill Earley ran in Caragh in Co. Kildare where, in a field of 102 and on a hilly course involving single track roads and leafy lanes, she won the women's race in a time of 43:32. Many congrats to her. The day before, Gian Piero Allerta ran in the Madrid 10k where he finished with a time of 47:08. There were several double parkruns taking place on New Year’s Day. Not all may have been captured in this report, but there was a fair showing among those that were found. Hats off to those who managed the logistics of going from one to another. The order in which they were run may not be accurately recorded in this report, but you will get the idea of which ones were linked from the results. The biggest turnouts of the day for Crusaders were reserved for Poolbeg and Cabinteely, with the former seeing both first finishers coming from the club. Kieran Little headed the field in 16:50, whilst Maura Mahoney was the first woman across the line in 10th place overall in 19:46. Cristian Vilchez Ceballos was 4th in 18:34, followed by Eddie Nugent (one of the double runners) in 6th in 18:59. Next came Stephen Mulligan (26th in 21:23), followed by Esther Requena Ferri (27th and 4th in 21:31), Olwyn Dunne (57th and 9th in 23:22), Kevin Lambe (79th in 24:51), Tanja Narancic (81st and 18th in 24:53), Aoife Cowhie (83rd and 19th in 24:58), Ali May Hann (87th and 20th in 25:05), Ava Rose Clarke (90th and 22nd in 25:14), Maureen McGinley (154th and 55th in 27:57), Paula Bradshaw (186th and 73rd in 29:14) and her son Bobbie (190th in 29:18), Iseult Ni Chuinneagain (191st and 76th in 29:19), Mari Hansen (203rd and 85th in 29:83) and Russell Murphy (220th in 31:38). So, in Cabinteely, we again had a first finisher with Dee Lawlor who crossed the line ahead of the field in 18:13. He was followed by Eddie Nugent with another strong finish (4th in 19:18), then John Lohan (19th in 22:37), Stephen Mulligan (37th in 23:33), Olwyn Dunne (38th and 3rd in 23:55), Ava Rose Clarke (57th and 8th in 25:06), Tara Murphy (69th and 14th in 26:13), Mari Hansen (75th and 18th in 26:33), Paul E. Kelly (110th in 28:19) and Mairin Shine (138th and 46th in 29:49). Tymon and Bushy Park may also have been linked. Sharon Woods ran 25:37 for 123rd and 19th in Tymon, followed by Orlaith de Burca (227th and 55th in 28:51). Sharon then ran in Bushy Park where she placed 82nd and 10th in 23:28. She was joined by Ronan Moynihan (14th in 19:27), Maureen McGinley in her 2nd event (223rd and 58th in 28:57) and Orlaith (254th and 77th in 29:38). We also had runners in St. Anne’s and Father Collins. In St. Anne’s, Peter O’Toole placed 9th in 18:26, followed by Brian Scanlan (26th in 19:14), Paul F. Kelly (60th in 20:36) and Aoife Kelly (527th and 170th in 32:00). Then in Father Collins Park, Brian placed 13th in 18:54, followed by Peter (24th in 19:25), Paul (153rd in 26:09) and Aoife (317th and 110th in 47:55). Finally, Brian Carroll ran in Griffeen Park where he placed 13th in 19:36. Tom Brennan 5k (772) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Hiko Tonosa 1 00:14:20 27 Catherina Mullen 1 00:16:52 Crusaders AC runners 40 Donnacha McCarthy 00:17:35 (PB) 51 Ilona McElroy 00:18:00 (8) 108 Dee Ni Chearbhaill 00:20:20 (20) 135 Brendan Glynn 00:21:31 154 Ciara Lynch 00:21:29 203 Mary Fitzsimons 00:23:16 (59) 209 Enda Currid 00:22:37 219 Fiachra O’Cionnaith 00:24:05 260 Alan Kavanagh 00:25:36 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/tom_brennan_new_years_day_5k/3462/results Lakeside 10k (62) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michael Brennan 1 00:37:03 10 Maeve Flannery 1 00:41:28 Crusaders AC runner 3 Mark O’Connor 00:38:05 Full results here: https://www.facebook.com/borutriclub/photos/a.192595024085925/2904221039589963/?type=3&theater Caragh New Year's Day 10k (102) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Sean Doyle 1 00:32:46 14 Gillian Earley 1 00:43:32 Crusaders AC runner 14 Gillian Earley 00:43:32 (1) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/caragh-new-years-day-fun-run-2020/#2_9D70EA St Anne’s Parkrun #315 (749) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 James Hyland 1 00:16:40 49 Helen Carr 1 00:20:20 Crusaders AC runners 9 Peter O’Toole 00:18:26 26 Brian Scanlan 00:19:14 60 Paul F. Kelly 00:20:36 527 Aoife Kelly 00:32:00 (170) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/stannes/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=315 Griffeen Parkrun #343 (298) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Martin Hoare 1 00:16:45 14 Emeline Callan 1 00:19:44 Crusaders AC runner 13 Brian Carroll 00:19:36 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/griffeen/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=343 Father Collins Parkrun #225 (321) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Matthew Collins 1 00:17:28 11 Mary Walsh 1 00:18:52 Crusaders AC runners 13 Brian Scanlan 00:18:54 24 Peter O’Toole 00:19:25 153 Paul F. Kelly 00:26:09 317 Aoife Kelly 00:47:15 (110) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/fathercollins/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=225 Poolbeg Parkrun #124 (274) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Kieran Little 1 00:16:50 10 Maura Mahoney 1 00:19:46 Crusaders AC runners 1 Kieran Little 00:19:46 4 Cristian Vilchez Ceballos 00:18:34 6 Eddie Nugent 00:18:59 10 Maura Mahoney 00:19:46 (1) 26 Stephen Mulligan 00:21:23 27 Esther Requena Ferri 00:21:31 (4) 57 Olwyn Dunne 00:23:22 (9) 79 Kevin Lambe 00:24:51 81 Tanja Narancic 00:24:53 (18) 83 Aoife Cowhie 00:24:58 (19) 87 Ali May Hann 00:25:05 (20) 90 Ava Rose Clarke 00:25:14 (22) 154 Maureen McGinley 00:27:57 (55) 186 Paula Bradshaw 00:29:14 (73) 190 Bobbie Bradshaw 00:29:18 191 Iseult Ni Chuinneagain 00:29:19 (76) 203 Mari Hansen 00:29:53 (85) 220 Russell Murphy 00:31:38 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/poolbeg/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=124 Bushy Parkrun #150 (413) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Gareth Murran 1 00:17:12 20 Ciara Foster 1 00:20:01 Crusaders AC runners 14 Ronan Moynihan 00:19:27 82 Sharon Woods 00:23:28 (10) 223 Maureen McGinley 00:28:57 (58) 254 Orlaith de Burca 00:29:38 (77) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/bushydublin/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=150 Tymon Parkrun #288 (441) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Declan O’Meara 1 00:17:44 22 Sharon Tighe 1 00:20:59 Crusaders AC runners 123 Sharon Woods 00:25:37 (19) 227 Orlaith de Burca 00:28:51 (55) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/tymon/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=288 Cabinteely Parkrun #247 (214) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Dee Lawlor 1 00:18:13 18 Clara Geraghty 1 00:22:12 Crusaders AC runners 1 Dee Lawlor 00:18:13 4 Eddie Nugent 00:19:18 19 John Lohan 00:22:37 37 Stephen Mulligan 00:23:53 38 Olwyn Dunne 00:23:55 (3) 57 Ava Rose Clarke 00:25:06 (8) 69 Tara Murphy 00:26:13 (14) 75 Mari Hansen 00:26:33 (18) 110 Paul E. Kelly 00:28:19 138 Mairin Shine 00:29:49 (46) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/cabinteely/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=247 Comments are closed.