![]() It was another weekend of super road racing. We had 5 runners take part in the Wicklow Hospice Half marathon this year. In a field of 373 finishers Rob Glascott was our first athlete across the line, finishing in a great time of 1:25:58 for 8th place. Further back came Phil Sykes who ran 1:50:55, taking 139th spot, and he was followed by Amy Forde (303rd and 94th female finisher in 2:07:46), Emma O’Mahony (320th and 103rd in 2:11:09) and Rachel Kelly (335th and 112th in 2:13:31). There were 4 more races on which to report over the weekend. Ciara Regan joined 168 other runners in a 5k race organised by the local GAA club in Cloonacool, South Co. Sligo, where, on an out-and-back North to South (a downhill then uphill course heading back into a strongish NE wind), she placed 18th and 2nd in a time of 19:55. Meanwhile, we had 4 runners in another 5k, the Duleek and District AC-organised event on Sunday. In a field of 333, Alex Ainsworth, just off the Dolomites the day before and, therefore, benefitting from having had a bit of altitude training, placed 5th in a PB time of 16:24. Alex was followed by Sean Brady (78th in 20:29) and by Joanne Carey (92nd and 15th in 21:08) and Carmel Higgins (138th and 30th in 22:40, neither of whom had been able to benefit from a proper warm-up, having had difficulties finding the start line. The remaining two races were both 10 milers. Triona Quill ran in the Turgeusis 10-mile race in Collinstown Co. Westmeath, where, in a field of 187, she placed 60th, 5th female finisher and 1st F50 in a time of 1:16:56. Then, down in Kinsale, Co. Cork, Tim O’Donnell and Louise O’Riordan took part alongside 925 other runners in the 10 miler there. Tim placed 77th in 1:08:38, followed by Louise (302nd and 60th in 1:20:05). Conditions were apparently quite wet. There was quite a sizeable turnout by club members in parkruns on Saturday morning, and, once again we had some first finisher and podium results. In a final shakeout before heading to Tokyo for the marathon, Kate Murray ran in Mullingar where she placed 9th overall and first female finisher in a field of 109 and in a time of 22:59. Serena Moloney was also a female first finisher, in Templemore. In a field of 100, Serena placed 19th overall in 23:45. Ross Neill led the field of 176 home in Poppintree in a time of 17:54 whilst Paul F. Kelly placed 35th in 24:56 and Diarmuid Byrne, 73rd in 27:38, there. Poolbeg also produced a first finisher this week. Rachel Calvey finished 19th overall and first female finisher in a time of 20:15. Just ahead of her in the field of 261 came Neil Monahan (14th in 20:05) and then Rachel was followed by Adrian Groarke (21st in 20:27), just ahead of John McDowell (22nd in 20:29), then came Áine Kenny (32nd and 4th in 21:11), followed by Sharon Woods (52nd and 7th in 23:03), Thomas Vogée, making his way back from injury (81st in 24:33), Josie Ward (91st and 24th in 24:57), Franky Keane (96th in 25:06), Gillian Curran (104th and 27th in 25:24), Kevin Kenny (105th in 25:26, right behind, with Eoghan Corrigan and his buggy further back (109th in 25:33). Tara Murphy was next (in 123rd and 36th spots in a time of 26:40) and she was followed by Aisling O’Riordan (138th and 44th in 27:29), Evelyn Neary (149th and 50th in 28:22) alongside Michael Fitzsimons (150th in 28:23), Faeed Faeedi (215th in 34;37), Niamh Trihy (217th and 93rd in 35:21), Mari Hansen (219th and 95th in 35:58), Mary Dolan (221st and 96th in 36:01) and Maureen McGinley, tailwalking. Toby Benham ran in the Roma Pineto parkrun in Italy, where he placed 2nd in a field of 41 and in a time of 20:03, whilst Aidan Hudner ran once again in Pollok in Glasgow, where he placed 119th in a field of 354 in a time of 27:00. Karl Walsh was another runner on the podium, running in in Naas, where, in a field of 130, he placed 2nd in 18:47, whilst Conor Little took 3rd spot alongside 179 other runners in Limerick in a time of 19:33. David Carter joined 3 other Crusaders running in Shanganagh. Dave placed 10th in the field of 256 in a time of 19:27, followed by Jill Nason (137th and 35th in 29:14), Orlaith de Burca (146th and 39th in 29:27) and Carina Davidson (194th and 74th in 33:46). Simon Kenny joined 526 other participants in St. Anne’s where he placed 17th in 19:16, whilst we had 3 runners in Fairview. Garret Connolly took 6th spot in 20:58. In a field of 158, he was followed by Andy Deuser (24th in 23:10) and Hannah Jones (37th and 3rd in 24:18). Darina Scully was our lone representative in the 118-strong River Valley Park, running a time of 31:20 with her buggy, for 58th and 18th places, whilst Ronan Moynihan also placed 18th in Marlay Park in a time of 20:06. In a field of 518, Ronan was followed by Mia Zoladz (308th and 94th in 29:48) and by Cynthia Perucca 2(385th and 132nd in 32:26). We also had 3 runners in Cabinteely. In a field of 142, Louise Dobbyn, on maternity leave, came home in 48th and 9th places in 26:18, followed by Máirín Shine (86th and 24 in 31:12) and by Lisa Shine (127th and 55th in 41:50). Finally, Mairead Cashman joined 259 other runners in Bushy Park where she placed 135th and 32nd in 39:51, whilst, on the Grand Canal Way in Tullamore, Kevin Lambe placed 55th in a time of 41:31 in a field of 74. Wicklow Hospice Half Marathon (373) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Lee Lindsay 1 01:22:39 10 Sheila O’Byrne 1 01:26:52 Crusaders AC runners 8 Rob Glascott 01:25:58 139 Phil Sykes 01:50:55 303 Amy Forde 02:07:46 (94) 320 Emma O’Mahony 02:11:09 (103) 335 Rachel Kelly 02:13:31 (112) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/wicklow_hospice_half_marathon_and_10k/4969/results Duleek & District AC 5k (333) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Kevin Donagher 1 00:15:50 23 Laura McDonnell 1 00:18:04 Crusaders AC runners 5 Alex Ainsworth 00:16:24 (PB) 78 Sean Brady 00:20:29 92 Joanne Carey 00:21:08 (15) 138 Carmel Higgins 00:22:40 (30) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/duleek__district_ac_5k_/4974/results Kinsale 10-mile race (927) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Tim O’Donoghue 1 00:52:05 29 Aoife Cooke 1 01:03:31 Crusaders AC runners 77 Tim O’Donnell 01:08:38 302 Louise O’Riordan 01:20:05 (60) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/kinsale-10-mile-2024/ Turgeusis 10-mile race (187) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 James Keegan 1 00:56:50 35 Emer Gaffney 1 01:11:49 Crusaders AC runner 60 Triona Quill 01:16:56 (5) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/turgeusis_10__5_mile/4973/results Cloonacool GAA 5k (169) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Travers 1 00:14:52 8 Sinead Fowley 1 00:18:53 Crusaders AC runner 18 Ciara Regan 00:19:55 (2) Full results here: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=864614632130836&set=pcb.864614705464162 Poolbeg Parkrun (261) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Simon Schonenberger 1 00:16:46 19 Rachel Calvey 1 00:20:15 Crusaders AC runners 14 Neil Monahan 00:20:05 19 Rachel Calvey 00:20:15 (1) 21 Adrian Groarke 00:20:27 22 John McDowell 00:20:29 32Áine Kenny 00:21:11 (4) 52 Sharon Woods 00:23:03 (7) 81 Thomas Vogée 00:24:33 91 Josie Ward 00:24:57 (24) 96 Franky Keane 00:25:06 104 Gillian Curran 00:25:24 (27) 105 Kevin Kenny 00:25:26 109 Eoghan Corrigan 00:25:33 123 Tara Murphy 00:26:40 (36) 138 Aisling O’Riordan 00:27:29 (44) 149 Evelyn Neary 00:28:22 (50) 150 Michael Fitzsimons 00:28:23 215 Faeed Faeedi 00:34:37 217 Niamh Trihy 00:35:21 (93) 219 Mari Hansen 00:35:58 (95) 221 Mary Dolan 00:36:01 (96) 248 Maureen McGinley 00:51:06 Shanganagh Parkrun (256) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Nickolas Colyn 1 00:15:40 25 Lindh Fitzmaurice 1 00:21:02 Crusaders AC runners 10 David Carter 00:19:27 137 Jill Nason 00:29:14 (35) 146 Orlaith de Burca 00:29:27 (39) 194 Carina Davidson 00:33:46 (74) St. Anne’s Parkrun (527) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mick Clohisey 1 00:16:11 10 Helen Marshall 1 00:18:48 Crusaders AC runner 17 Simon Kenny 00:19:16 Fairview Parkrun (158) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michael Lynch 1 00:18:13 32 Charlotte Brennan 1 00:23:56 Crusaders AC runners 6 Garret Connolly 00:20:58 24 Andy Deuser 00:23:10 37 Hannah Jones 00:24:18 (3) Limerick Parkrun (180) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Rob Cross 1 00:17:58 6 Niamh Carey 1 00:20:58 Crusaders AC runner 3 Conor Little 00:19:33 River Valley Parkrun (115) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Chun Man Tam 1 00:18:40 9 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:50 Crusaders AC runner 58 Darina Scully 00:31:20 (18) Mullingar Parkrun (109) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Paulius Patackas 1 00:19:35 9 Kate Murray 1 00:22:59 Crusaders AC runner 9 Kate Murray 00:22:59 (1) Naas Parkrun (130) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 David Browne 1 00:17:29 3 Aoibhreann O’Brien 1 00:20:21 Crusaders AC runner 2 Karl Walsh 00:18:47 Poppintree Parkrun (176) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ross Neill 1 00:17:54 12 Miriam Kearney 1 00:21:17 Crusaders AC runners 35 Paul F. Kelly 00:24:56 73 Diarmuid Byrne 00:27:38 Marlay Parkrun (518) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Simon Ollo 1 00:18:03 12 Lynne Hennessy 1 00:19:39 Crusaders AC runners 18 Ronan Moynihan 1 00:20:06 308 Mia Zoladz 00:29:48 (94) 385 Cynthia Perucca 00:32:26 (132) Bushy Parkrun (260) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 August Benedicto 1 00:18:59 8 Eimear O’Brien 1 00:21:01 Crusaders AC runner 135 Mairead Cashman 00:29:55 Templemore Parkrun (100) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Tom Lupton 1 00:18:11 19 Serena Moloney 1 00:23:45 Crusaders AC runner 19 Serena Moloney 00:23:45 (1) Cabinteely Parkrun (172) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 2 Diarmuid Murray 1 00:20:14 L7 Derval Devaney 1 00:21:55 Crusaders AC runners 48 Louise Dobbyn 00:26:18 (9) 86 Máirín Shine 00:31:12 (24) 127 Lisa Shine 00:41:50 (55) The Grand Canal way, Tullamore Parkrun (74) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Purcell 1 00:21:07 7 Aisling Cotter 1 00:22:58 Crusaders AC runner 55 Kevin Lambe 00:41:31 Comments are closed.