![]() This week, the road races involving Crusaders all seemed take place on or near the coast, from Portmarnock in the east to Dingle in the south, with Glengariff and Raheny in between. We start with Portmarnock, where, on Thursday evening, we saw the return of the Portmarnock 5k, conducted entirely on the beach there. We had 2 runners join the field of 255, reporting that it was quite blustery, with a strong-ish headwind on the return of the out-and-back course. Sam Carvill was our first athlete home, crossing the line in 18th place in a time of 20:05, and he was followed by Emer Kenny, now a local resident, who placed 45th overall and 6th female finisher in a time of 22:36. Then, on Saturday, several runners headed down to Co. Kerry for the wet and windy Dingle full and half marathons with two of them ending up on the rostrum. In one of her last races with the club before her move to pastures new, Léan Ni Chiobhain placed 23rd overall and 2nd female in the 383-strong marathon with a super time on a challenging but scenic course of 3:24:34. Leo Lundy also marked a return to racing in Ireland, placing 357th in 5:47:16. We had 4 runners in the half marathon there. Again, on a challenging course, where early on, runners witnessed thunder and lightning, we had some super runs. Conor Greenan, before his departure with Léan, also placed 2nd in this race with a great time of 1:20:07 and he was followed by Margaret Foley with yet another PB result. Margaret placed 92nd and 13th in 1:40:06 and she was followed by Carina Davidson (413th and 135th in 2:00:56) and Maureen McGinley (974th overall in 2:33:53). The finishing field measured a healthy 1,210. Also, on Saturday, Lisa and Mairin Shine took part in another Beara AC-organised 5-mile road race, this time in Glengariff in West Cork. On a one loop course in damp conditions, they joined a field of 104 runners, with Lisa placing 38th and 11th in 41:07, followed by Mairin (77th, 33rd and 3rd F60) in a time of 49:05. On Sunday, Alan Kavanagh took part in a charity fund raiser 5k for the Irish Wheelchair Association in St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, where, in a field of 160 and on a flat anti-clockwise loop of the main park, he placed 5th in a time of 20:26. We also had some great results from abroad. Italo Giancaterina ran in two races in Italy during the week. On Monday he ran in the 42nd 8.3k Notturna di Trassacco, on a winding course, winning the event in 30:31. Then, on Friday evening, in a field of 55 runners, Italo won the 8.8k Villavallelonga in a time of 30:28. Esther Requena placed 5th in the Cross Nocturno Villena, a street race in Villena in Spain. The race was 7.3k and Esther ran a PB time for the race of 28:03. Also, in Spain, Pablo Sanchez ran in a street race over a mile in Madrid, placing 3rd in a time of 4:29. Finally, Donnacha McCarthy, our visually impaired paratriathlete, took 3rd place in a paratriathlon event in Alhandra, Portugal, after he and his partner clawed their way through the field after a disappointing swim. Saturday morning’s rainy weather seems to have put off a lot of parkrunners and numbers were generally much lower than usual. Still, we had a reasonable number from the club continue to participate, generating some excellent results. We had a couple of first finishers among the events. Lorraine Healy is just getting back into it after recently having given birth and she placed 8th and first female finisher in Corkagh Park. In a field of 107 runners, Lorraine’s time was 21:46. Then, in Tolka Valley Park, Sarah Lyons placed 3rd and 1st in a time of 21:22, just behind partner Phelim Murray who benefitted from Sarah’s early pacing. Phelim came home in 2nd place in 20:56 and, in the field of 28, ahead of Cormac McGuire (9th in 25:35). Kevin Lambe headed over to Mullingar where, in a field of 72, he placed 2nd in a time of 20:25, whilst Tanja Narancic was 3rd female finisher in Poolbeg (27th overall) in a time of 23:14. Among the 83 runners who contested the event, Tanja was preceded by Daniel Sheridan (7th in 20:17) and John Lohan (26th in 22:57) and followed by Russell Murphy (32nd in 24:27), Tara Murphy (44th and 12th in 25:11), Una McCullagh (61st and 21st in 28:04), Mari Hansen (65th and 24th in 29:38) and Don Anderton, tailwalking. Robert Browne joined 121 other participants in Shanganagh where he placed 5th in 18:51, whilst Olwyn Dunne benefitted from a trip to Belfast to watch son Jack play in a rugby friendly between Ulster and Exeter by running in Ormeau Park. In a substantial field of 341, Olwyn placed 85th and 8th in a time of 24:06. Colm Foley ran in the 127-strong field in Griffeen Park, placing 24th in 22:55, whilst Darina Scully took on River Valley with its field of 61, placing 20th and 6th in 27:51. In Fairview, Aoife Kelly took 63rd and 21st spots in 34:05 in a field of 79, whilst Tim Hyland placed 62nd in 25:06 in St. Anne’s. the field there measured 194. Andrea Talpo ran in his first parkrun in a while, placing 7th in Cabinteely in 22:05, followed by Stephen Mulligan (26th in 24:53). The field measured 98. Further afield, Dee Lawlor ran in Westpark in Germany, where, in a field of 90 he placed 11th in 21:08, whilst Aidan Hudner ran once again in Pollok Park in Glasgow, placing 52nd in a field of 260 and a time of 24:33. Finally, we had 4 runners in Marlay Park on Saturday morning. In a field of 239 they were led home in 11th place and a time of 19:23, by Ronan Moynihan. Ronan was followed by Fiona Lane (140th and 25th in 27:39), Mairead Cashman (165th and 36th in 29:02) and Aoife Clarke (170th and 39th in 29:20). Portmarnock 5k Beach Race (255) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Eoin Keating 1 00:17:32 9 Annette Kealy 1 00:19:28 Crusaders AC runners 18 Sam Carvill 00:20:05 45 Emer Kenny 00:22:36 (6) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/portmarnock_beach_5k/4540/results Glengariff 5-mile road race (104) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Darragh McElhinney 1 00:26:20 2 Fiona Santry 1 00:29:47 Crusaders AC runners 38 Lisa Shine 00:41:07 (11) 77 Mairin Shine 00:49:05 (33) Full results here: https://www.corkathletics.org/latest-results/2022/422-september/2643-results-of-glengarriff-5-mile-road-race-2022.html?fbclid=IwAR22aJ0YKhwtApgyXSMVXVTRL_C2voQCv92JQ9bz9OJjIGVKehGBh6B2Rok Dingle Marathon (383) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Enda Cloake 1 02:35:20 20 Lindsay Bruinsma 1 03:18:14 Crusaders AC runners 23 Léan Ni Chiobhain 03:24:34 (2) 357 Leo Lundy 05:47:16 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/dingle_full_and_half_marathon/4497/results Dingle Half Marathon (1210) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Gary Walsh 1 01:19:19 11 Caroline McLoughlin 1 01:27:40 Crusaders AC runners 2 Conor Greenan 01:20:07 92 Margaret Foley 01:40:06 (PB) (13) 413 Carina Davidson 02:00:56 (135) 974 Maureen McGinley 02:33:53 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/dingle_full_and_half_marathon/4497/results IWA Run N Roll 5k race (160) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Dave Mooney 1 00:19:16 14 Grainne Tierney 1 00:22:12 Crusaders AC runner 5 Alan Kavanagh 00:20:26 Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/iwa-run-n-roll-proudly-supported-by-liberty-insurance/#2_9D70EA Marlay Parkrun (239) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ruben Bartelink 1 00:17:24 24 Ruth Wilson 1 00:21:00 Crusaders AC runners 11 Ronan Moynihan 00:19:23 140 Fiona Lane 00:27:39 (25) 165 Mairead Cashman 00:29:02 (36) 170 Aoife Clarke 00:29:20 (39) Griffeen Parkrun (127) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Oliver Warren 1 00:18:52 11 Aimee Carr 1 00:21:03 Crusaders AC runner 24 Colm Foley 00:22:55 St. Anne’s Parkrun (194) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Kevin Gahan 1 00:18:33 14 Helen Carr 1 00:22:01 Crusaders AC runner 62 Tim Hyland 00:25:06 Poolbeg Parkrun (83) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ashley Hayes 1 00:18:18 11 Ava Rose Clarke 1 00:21:11 Crusaders AC runners 7 Daniel Sheridan 00:20:17 26 John Lohan 00:22:57 27 Tanja Narancic 00:23:14 (3) 32 Russell Murphy 00:24;27 61 Una McCullagh 00:28:04 (21) 65 Mari Hansen 00:29:38 (24) 83 Don Anderton 00:49:28 Ormeau Parkrun (341) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Nathan McAleese 1 00:17:26 26 Ella Jeffries 1 00:20:50 Crusaders AC runner 85 Olwyn Dunne 00:24:06 (8) River Valley Parkrun (61) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ryan Whiston 1 00:18:48 2 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:29 Crusaders AC runner 20 Darina Scully 00:27:51 (6) Cabinteely Parkrun (98) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Enda Fagan 1 00:21:06 11 Eliza Tobin 1 00:22:41 Crusaders AC runners 7 Andrea Talpo 00:22:05 26 Stephen Mulligan 00:24:53 Mullingar Parkrun (72) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Griffin Kearney 1 00:18:13 22 Alison Byrne 1 00:26:21 Crusaders AC runner 2 Kevin Lambe 00:20:25 Corkagh Parkrun (107) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean McCarthy 1 00:19:11 8 Lorraine Healy 1 00:21:46 Crusaders AC runner 8 Lorraine Healy 00:21:46 (1) Tolka Valley Parkrun (28) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Robert Fox 1 00:20:47 3 Sarah Lyons 1 00:21:22 Crusaders AC runners 2 Phelim Murray 00:20:56 3 Sarah Lyons 00:21:22 (1) 9 Cormac McGuire 00:25:35 Shanganagh Parkrun (122) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aaron Fennell 1 00:17:55 6 Shauna Moran 1 00:18:55 Crusaders AC runner 5 Robert Browne 00:18:51 Fairview Parkrun (79) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Conroy 1 00:19:08 18 Aoife Begley 1 00:24:05 Crusaders AC runner 63 Aoife Kelly 00:34:05 (21) Comments are closed.