![]() Crusaders were in action around the country this weekend. The weather wasn’t great, with high winds and rain in places, but we had some excellent results all the same. We also saw the last of the 3 races in this winter’s Women’s Meet and Train series, this race being held on the purpose-built cross-country course in Abbottstown on Sunday morning, thankfully before the heavy rain turned into snow, and our women did the club proud. We start with the results of the Leinster Senior and Masters Indoors in Abbottstown on Saturday afternoon. We had just 4 athletes taking part, but they came home with 3 medals. Nick Ennis took silver in the final of the senior 200m in a time of 22.89, after having made it into the final as a fastest loser by taking 2nd place in the heat in 23.10. In a minimal field and capitalising on experience gained from the league last summer, Lisa Shine took gold in the 3,000m walk in a time of 18:47.64. John O’Loughlin also took gold in the M50 400m in a time of 58.23. Finally, Donal Swift placed 4th in the M65 200m in 37.32. Well done to all. On Saturday, Kieran Martin trekked up north where, along with his twin brother Fergal, he took part in the Carlingford 10k. In a field of 357, Kieran managed 3rd place in a great time of 38:38, followed by Fergal in 4th place in a time of 39:08. Also, on Saturday morning, we had two runners who took part in 2 of the 3 races on offer on the Galway coast in Kinvara. On a hilly course in pretty tough windy and damp conditions Aine Kenny took 3rd place (41st overall, in a field of 519) in the half marathon surprising herself with a PB time of 1:30:15. Zlatko Kulic took on the marathon as a warm up for the Connemara Ultra in mid-April, coming home with a respectable time of 3:11:04 and 4th place in a field of 102 and describing the weather conditions for his race as brutal. On Sunday afternoon, during the heavy rain, we had several participate in the Lusk 4 mile road race. In a race won unsurprisingly by Mick Clohisey and Catherina McKiernan and a field of 344, Brian Scanlan ran 24:49 to place 38th, followed by Michael Fitzsimons (48th in 25:37) and his sisters Mary (177th and 40th in 31:04) and Lorraine (193rd and 47th in 31:30). One of the main highlights of the weekend was the last 2 mile race of the WM&T winter league. At time of writing, the official team placings were yet to be announced, but it has now been confirmed that in the top division the A team snatched gold from Sportsworld, whilst the B team moved up 2 places to 4th in their division and the C team also took gold in their division. The individual results were as follows: A team: Fiona Shine took 2nd, followed by Grainne Regan in 3rd, Sarah Lyons in 8th and Emer Kenny, 17th. B team: Olwyn Dunne placed 19th , followed by Geraldine Clements in 20th, Lisa Shine, 31st, Maria del Carmen Jimenez Campos, 37th, and Carina Davidson, who arrived late having had difficulty in locating the venue, 103rd. The C team was led home by Ciara Lynch in a super 7th place, followed by Anna Shine in 45th, Mairead Cashman, 87th, Michelle Geoghegan, 90th and Maureen McGinley, 95th. We also had two individuals competing, welcoming the return of Rebecca Fleming from Malta who placed 23rd who enjoyed every minute of the race and followed by Aisling Dilworth who placed 74th. The women will certainly have enjoyed their celebrations on Sunday evening. There was an IMRA race on Saturday in Ticknock, just outside of the city, involving a loop of Three Rock and Fairy Castle. It is likely that we had some runners in the 8.2km race over difficult terrain with a climb of 318m and the report will be updated once the results are published. As usual, we finish off with the results of Saturday morning’s parkruns. Crusader participation was not excessive this weekend, but we had a couple of podium finishes. Once again, Stephen Hurley was first finisher in Poolbeg in a time of 17:37. Sarah Lyons placed 16th overall and 2nd female in Fairview in a time of 24:16. In Tolka Valey, Cormac McGuire took 4th spot in 21:46, whilst Luke Davis placed 8th in Marlay in 18:57. There was also a top 10 finish for Louise Dobbyn who took 6th place (49th overall) in Poolbeg in 22:36. Joining Stephen and Louise in Poolbeg were Kenan Furlong who crossed the line in 8th place (19:15), followed by David Timoney (17th in 20:08), Luke Haran (24th in 20:50), Neil Brown (66th in 23:39), Ava Rose Clarke (80th and 15th in 24:46), Gemma Cooper (88th and 17th in 25:13), Gillian Curran (90th and 19th in 25:22), Maureen McGinley (125th and 36th in 27:43), Mari Hansen (151st and 48th in 29:46) and Fiona Bane tailwalking in 47:07 (201st and 76th). In River Valley, Brian Scanlan (11th in 22:56) was followed by Darina Scully (89th and 30th in 33:34) along with Maria Pertl (90th and 31st in 33:35). Ronan Moynihan placed 12th in Malahide in 19:23, whilst Colm Foley took 26th spot in Griffeen in a time of 22:35. Further afield, continuing their honeymoon, Aoife and Paul Kelly ran in Centennial Park in Sydney, Australia, with Paul placing 147th in 25:30 and Aoife, 163rd and 32nd in 26:10 in a field of 329. Finally, we had 5 runners in St. Anne’s. Joantashn Claridge led the contingent across the line in 12th place (18:53) and he was followed by Brian Kelleher (26th in 20:05), Jenny McCarthy (153rd and 27th in 24:20), Cliodhna O’Reilly (203rd and 45th in 25:35) and Lorraine Fitzsimons (398th and 153rd in 31:27). Carlingford 10k (357) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Dominik Hohls 1 00:37:56 10 Sarah Kelly 1 00:41:26 Crusaders AC runner 3 Kieran Martin 00:39:08 Full results here: http://www.26extreme.com/results/109/carlingford-half-marathon-10km-results-2019.aspx Lusk 4 mile road race (344) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Mick Clohisey 1 00:19:16 10 Catherina McKiernan 1 00:22:49 Crusaders AC runners 38 Brian Scanlan 00:24:49 48 Michael Fitzsimons 00:25:37 177 Mary Fitzsimons 00:31:04 (40) 193 Geraldine Clements 00:31:30 (47) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/lusk_4_mile_2019/2955/results Kinvara Half marathon (519) Overall place Name Cat Place Chiptime 1 Kevin Mooney 1 01:16:19 13 Jane Ann Meehan 1 01:23:44 Crusaders AC runner 41 Aine Kenny 01:30:15 (PB) (3) Full results here: https://www.rockandroad.ie/results/ Kinvara Marathon (102) Overall place Name Cat Place Chiptime 1 Kevin English 1 02:42:06 9 Christine Kinsella 1 03:25:36 Crusaders AC runner 4 Zlatko Kulic 03:11:04 Full results here: https://www.rockandroad.ie/results/ Griffeen Parkrun #299 (223) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Pawel Kaim 1 00:18:38 38 Anne Whelan 1 00:24:03 Crusaders AC runner 26Colm Foley 00:22:35 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/griffeen/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=299 Marlay Parkrun #295 (595) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Valter Valente 1 00:17:14 2 Barbara Cleary 1 00:17:32 Crusaders AC runner 8 Luke Davis 00:18:57 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/marlay/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=295 Fairview Parkrun #83 (122) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Jonathan Eadie 1 00:19:50 11 Aoife Mulroy 1 00:23:04 Crusaders AC runner 16 Sarah Lyons 00:24:16 (2) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/fairview/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=83 St. Anne’s Parkrun #274 (547) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Graham O’Dwyer 1 00:17:26 50 Abbie Sheehy 1 00:21:15 Crusaders AC runners 12 Jonathan Claridge 00:18:53 26 Brian Kelleher 00:20:05 153 Jenny McCarthy 00:24:20 (27) 203 Cliodhna O’Reilly 00:25:35 (45) 398 Lorraine Fitzsimons 00:31:27 (153) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/stannes/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=274 Poolbeg Parkrun #80 (201) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Stephen Hurley 1 00:17:37 28 Margaret Galvin 1 00:21:12 Crusaders AC runners 1 Stephen Hurley 00:17:37 8 Kenan Furlong 00:19:15 17 David Timoney 00:20:08 24 Luke Haran 00:20:50 49 Louise Dobbyn 00:22:36 (6) 66 Neil Brown 00:23:39 80 Ava Rose Clarke 00:24:46 (15) 88 Gemma Cooper 00:25:13 (17) 90 Gillian Curran 00:25:22 (19) 125 Maureen McGinley 00:27:43 (36) 151 Mari Hansen 00:29:46 (48) 201 Fiona Bane 00:47:07 (76) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/poolbeg/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=80 Tolka Valley Parkrun #54 (66) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Jason Harrold 1 00:18:21 5 Jean Murphy 1 00:22:14 Crusaders AC runner 4 Cormac McGuire 00:21:46 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/tolkavalley/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=54 River Valley Parkrun #135 (155) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Luke Murphy 1 00:19:44 4 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:14 Crusaders AC runners 11 Brian Scanlan 00:22:56 89 Darina Scully 00:33:34 (30) 90 Maria Pertl 00:33:35 (31) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/rivervalley/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=135 Malahide Parkrun #330 (372) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Jamie Gahan 1 00:16:22 30 Mary Ketterer 1 00:20:45 Crusaders AC runner 12 Ronan Moynihan 00:19:23 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/malahide/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=330 Comments are closed.