Our Couch to 5k program starts on April 7th this year. It will lead up to the Docklands 5k in June and participants will take part in the Docklands 5k race at the end. It's aimed at new and returning runners. If someone has little to no experience of running and would like to start this would be perfect. The program runs around 10 weeks and builds up peoples fitness until they will be capable of running a complete 5k, This being the Docklands 5k. The program has coached sessions every Thursday evening on the track and includes entry to the Docklands 5k. The couch to 5k costs €69 per person for non members, is free for members but you need to pay the Docklands 5k entry. If you know anyone who might be interested please let them know. Poster for the program is below, you can download it to email. For more information Email: [email protected] to register go HERE Thank you
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