Here at Crusaders, we are always looking for ways to help our members to stay connected, especially during these covid times. We would like to compile a list of our members' qualifications and the professional services that they provide, to display on a dedicated page on our club website. We have a huge variety of talent in our club and, as many of us already often help each other out in a non-running capacity, we believe that it would be of benefit to our membership to assemble a database of members' names, contact details and qualifications/skills. Inclusion on this list is voluntary and does not indicate a commitment to provide any service. It is also not limited to athletics-related services and, who knows, it may be the start of some great networking with your fellow clubmates. Anyone interested should send a brief description of services that they are capable of providing to [email protected]. "Knowledge is like money - to be of value it must circulate." Comments are closed.