Whether you have never jogged before or if you just want to get more active, Fit 4 3k our Couch to 3K program is an easy way of getting more energy and feeling healthier. This program is for everyone, male and female, who would like to get from walking to jogging, but might be a little unsure on how to get started. The program works because it is not just focused on running, it starts with a mix of walking and jogging to gradually build up your fitness & stamina. It is aimed at beginners and based on your time and ability to participate. Coached Sessions will take part every Thursday at 6.45pm on the Irishtown Stadium Track. While you can complete other sessions at your connivance during the week. The Program kicks off on September 15th and runs for 6 weeks. At the end you will take part in our 3k run on the Track on Tuesday 25th of October. Everyone who finishes the race will receive a free running T-shirt. When you finish the Fit 4 3K program you can continue your running journey by joining our Fit 4 Life group, where you will get €20 off the normal membership price. If you know anyone who might be interested in taking part please pass on the information. Current members can join for free by contacting Paul at [email protected] Comments are closed.