![]() Another busy and successful weekend of racing for the club, both indoors and outdoors, on track, road and cross country, with several podium finishes for both men and women. There has been quite a lot of activity in Abbotstown over the past two weekends at the indoor arena. One event that was missed from last week’s results was the junior and U23 indoor championships, in which we had at least 4 young Crusaders participating. Shane Kean placed 5th in heat 2 of the junior men’s 60m in 7.21 and then placed 2nd in the long jump with a jump of 6.62m. Kevin Woods placed 2nd in 50.95 in heat 3 of the U23 400m, going on to take 5th place in the final in 51.99. Kevin also took 3rd spot in heat 3 of the 200m in 25.39. Alix Hughes placed 5th in the women’s U23 60mH in 9.37, whilst Matt Behan ran away with victory in the men’s U23 60H in a time of 7.97. Then, this last Sunday, we had several of our club mates competing in the AAI indoor games at the same venue. Bob Lyne placed 4th in the men’s 3K walk in 19:05.40. Ciara Barry placed 2nd in heat 2 of the 60m (a photo finish with 3rd) in 8.05. Matt Behan won both series one and two of the men’s 60mH in 7.98 and 8.02. Ilona McElroy placed 6th in the women’s 3k in 11:01.85. Garret Dunne placed 7th in heat 3 of the men’s 800m in 2:08.78. Ciara Barry went on to run in heat 2 of the women’s 200m, placing 3rd in 26.28, whilst our 3 competitors in the various heats of the men’s 400m also did well. Jason Harvey took 2nd in heat 1 in 48.96, with Andrew Mellon taking 1st place in heat 2 in 47.98. Finally, John O’Loughlin ran 58.79 in heat 5 to place 5th. Niamh Boland ran well to win heat 2 of the women’s 1500m in a time of 4:43.55. Lastly, Oisin Taylor won the triple jump in 13.65m. There was a significant turnout of Crusaders in the two XC races organised by the BHAA on Saturday morning on behalf of the Garda. In chilly, breezy conditions on quite muddy and waterlogged terrain, up and down the hills and gullies of the Phoenix Park near the magazine fort , we had 10 women take part in the 2 mile race and we dominated the top end of a race which had 267 participants (numbers swollen by those running under the Lord Mayor’s initiative). Irene Gorman appears to be invincible right now in XC and led more or less from gun to tape with Adrienne Jordan and Niamh Corby in hot pursuit. They all managed the slippery conditions well, with Irene taking the victory in 12:54, followed by Adrienne (13:03) and Niamh (13:31). We had 5 runners in the top 10 and 7 in the top 15, with Niamh Aspell running strongly to place 8th in 14:18, followed by Serena Moloney (10th in 14:37) and Fiona Shine (11th in 14:42) who worked together for parts of the race. Kate Murray took a creditable 15th place in 15:09. Our contingent was completed by Orlaith de Burca (40th in 17:55), Emilie Fournier, in her 2nd XC race and with a chip that for once didn’t fail (49th in 18:39) and Mairead Cashman (57th in 20:05). The mixed 4 mile race had a good sized field, but not quite as large as the women’s, with just over 200 runners. Indeed, the women’s race was so full, there were still participants in the event not yet over the finish line when the men’s race started 30 minutes after the first. Thankfully, they did not impede the field too much, led home once again by Sean Hehir in excellent form and untouchable. Nevertheless, after running in a group of about 5 or 6 athletes in pursuit of Sean until the last turn with about 250m to go, Karl Fahy managed to break away and give himself some daylight, finishing in 2nd place. For yet another week, Michael Wycherley put in a sound performance managing to put daylight between himself and pursuers which included Joe McDermott. Michael placed 14th in 23:45 (2nd M40) with Joe running a spirited 24:29, to place 21st. There were other excellent runs from Michael Maughan (33rd in 25:19) and by Joe Walsh (37th in 25:46) who was supposed to be preparing himself for the following day’s Trim 10 miler! John Fahy was next in 49th place (26:51). There were 8 more Crusaders to cross the line, headed by Brendan Glynn with a super 54th place (27:09) and Tom Dunne (58th in 27:28) who is getting stronger by the race. Anthony Owens was next (74th in 28:19), followed by Denis Murphy (84th in 28:45), Robbie Moore (88th in 28:52), Eanna Farrell (95th in 29:15), Mike McGovern (107th in 30:02) and Tony Hackett (115th in 30:37), making a welcome return to racing after a long layoff. Also on Saturday there was an IMRA race in the mountains around Ticknock. We had at least one participant in the 7.8km event in the winter league. In a race that involved challenging terrain with a climb of 330m, Laura Flannelly came home in 79th place overall (5th woman home) in 43:47 behind race winner Luke Maher (33:39) in a field of 204. We now come onto Sunday’s events. The day started rainy, but by the time the two 10 mile road races covered in this report took place, conditions were dry enough. We had four participants in the famous John Treacy Dungarvan 10 miler. In a field of nearly 2,200 runners, Dave Barry placed 83rd breaking 60 minutes for the first time, with a PB time of 59:42. Dave was followed by Dee Ni Chearbhaill (464th overall, 42nd woman, in 1:11:34), running a minute faster than her last year's time and with a strong finish, Fiona Bane (1,006th overall, 187th woman, in 1:20:55) and Fiona Lane (2,094th overall, 905th woman, in 1:46:08). Members will be interested to hear of the performances of two runners from other clubs who train with us. The visually-impaired athlete, Declan Ryan from Thurles, placed 61st in 58:45, whilst Sean Murphy of United Striders took 79th in 59:39. Then, in Trim, in its 4th running, we had 7 Crusaders in the race. An event with another large field (in excess of 1,300) witnessed Kieran Little coming home in a super 15th place in 57:35, followed by John McAuley (70th in 61:23), Paul O’Meara (86th in 62:27), training for Boston and in his first race since the Philadelphia marathon last year and Joe Walsh, defying the odds and running a sweet 62:39 for a top 100 place (93rd). Joe’s wife, Alma Hanevy, was next in 167th place overall (12th woman) in a great PB time of 65:42 and Alma was followed by Ciara Lehane (469th overall, 90th woman, in 77:21) and Carina Davidson (553rd overall, 128th woman) in 79:36. Leo Lundy also reported that he took part in the scenic but extremely hilly Maree 8k (near Oranmore in Galway). His 41:32 was solid enough for him take 130th place out of 280 participants and 6th in his age group. Not included in the results for the parkruns shown below are those of Kris Ryan who was a first finisher in Coomera, coming home in 18th place overall out of 136 runners in a time of 22:48. Her times are beginning to fall in the Australian climate! James Murphy took advantage of a trip to South Africa to run in the George parkrun, placing 2nd out of 614 participants in a time of 19:40. Elsewhere there were a few podium places, but also a lot of top 10 finishes across the board. Darina Scully placed 4th woman (45th overall) in Malahide. David Long came home in 10th in 19:42 in Marlay (another runner to record falling times), Sharon Woods took 4th place (27th overall) in a time of 24:08 in Tymon, whilst Fiona Bane secured 2nd (11th place overall) in Waterstown with a time of 24:06. Daniel Lowe distinguished himself with 2nd place in Lough key in a time of 17:55, whilst Brian Scanlan came home in 5th in Donabate (19:54). Noel Reilly was also a top 10 performer in Longford 910th in 22:54), along with Marius McNicholas in Bushy Dublin (10th in 21:42). In Poolbeg we had 7 participants: David Timoney (11th in 20:23), Zalan Kovacs (27th in 21:27), Colm Foley (44th in 22:54), Niamh Quinn with a podium place (3rd woman, 48th overall, in 23:35), Aisling O’Connor, another runner, like Niamh to place in the top 10 (64th overall, 8th woman, in 25:14), Mary Dolan (89th overall, 19th woman, in 27:09) and Ciara McElligott (125th overall, 41st woman, in 32: 04). Our last two top tenners went to Sean Smith (10th in Fairview in 21:51) and Leo Lundy (10th in 24:20) in Oughterard. We had 4 athletes in St. Anne’s: Jonathan Claridge (17th in 19:36), Matt Cranley with buggy (40th in 20:54), Ronan reilly (89th in 22:54) and Lorraine Fitzsimons (330th overall, 111th woman, in 30:19). Finally, Lisa Shine was our only runner in Ballincollig, placing 11th (89th overall) in 24:03. BHAA Garda women’s 2 mile XC race (267) Overall place Name Chiptime 1 Irene Gorman 00:12:54 Crusaders AC runners 1 Irene Gorman 00:12:54 2 Adrienne Jordan 00:13:03 3 Niamh Corby 00:13:31 8 Niamh Aspell 00:14:18 10 Serena Moloney 00:14:37 11 Fiona Shine 00:14:42 15 Kate Murray 00:15:09 40 Orlaith de Burca 00:17:55 49 Emilie Fournier 00:18:49 57 Mairead Cashman 00:20:05 Full results here: https://bhaa.ie/events/garda-cc-2018/ BHAA Garda mixed 4 mile XC race (203) Overall place Name Chiptime 1 Sean Hehir 00:21:06 Crusaders AC runners 2 Karl Fahy 00:21:51 14 Michael Wycherley 00:23:45 21 Joe McDermott 00:24:29 33 Michael Maughan 00:25:19 37 Joe Walsh 00:25:46 49 John Fahy 00:26:51 54 Brendan Glynn 00:27:09 58 Tomas Dunne 00:27:28 74 Anthony Owens 00:28:19 84 Denis Murphy 00:28:45 88 Robbie Moore 00:28:52 95 Eanna Farrell 00:29:15 107 Michael McGovern 00:30:02 115 Tony Hackett 00:30:37 Full results here: https://bhaa.ie/events/garda-cc-2018/ Dungarvan 10 mile race (2178) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Kevin Maunsell 1 00:49:27 34 Laura Shaughnessy 1 00:56:47 Crusaders AC runner 83 Dave Barry 00:59:42 (PB) 464 Dee Ni Chearbhaill 01:11:34 (42) 1006 Fiona Bane 01:20:55 (187) 2094 Fiona Lane 01:46:08 (905) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/john_treacy_dungarvan_10_mile/2449/results Trim 10 mile race Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Peter Mooney 1 00:53:47 19 Maria McCambridge 1 00:57:46 Crusaders AC runners 15 Kieran Little 00:57:35 70 John McAuley 01:01:23 86 Paul O’Meara 01:02:27 93 Joe Walsh 01:02:39 167 Alma Hanevy 01:05:42 (12) (PB) 469 Ciara Lehane 01:17:21 (90) 553 Carina Davidson 01:19:36 (128) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race-results/ Maree 8k race (280) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mick Fogarty 1 00:26:48 27 Yvonne Fehily 1 00:33:16 Crusaders AC runner 130 Leo Lundy 00:41:32 Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race-results/ Marlay Parkrun #244 (557) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Arnaud Malinconi 1 00:18:30 5 Sharon Grant 1 00:19:10 Crusaders AC runner 10 David Long 00:19:42 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/marlay/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=244 Malahide Parkrun #274 (318) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Matthew Collins 1 00:17:54 2 Annette Kealy 1 00:18:36 Crusaders AC runner 45 Darina Scully 00:22:46 (4) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/malahide/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=274 St. Anne’s Parkrun #220 (446) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Joseph O’Donoghue 1 00:16:26 35 Frances Joyce 1 00:20:38 Crusaders AC runners 17 Jonathan Claridge 00:19:36 40 Matt Cranley 00:20:54 89 Ronan Reilly 00:22:54 330 Lorraine Fitzsimons 00:30:19 (111) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/stannes/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=220 Tymon Parkrun #190 (170) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Kevin English 1 00:17:38 15 Lisa Nagle 1 00:22:52 Crusaders AC runner 27 Sharon Woods 00:24:08 (4) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/tymon/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=190 Waterstown Parkrun #189 (82) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Thomas Donegan 1 00:20:44 6 Lisa Hughes 1 00:23:13 Crusaders AC runner 11 Fiona Bane 00:24:06 (2) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/waterstown/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=189 Poolbeg Parkrun #24 (148) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Conrad Franks 1 00:16:41 45 Denise Daly 1 00:23:15 Crusaders AC runners 11 David Timoney 00:20:23 27 Zalan Kovacs 00:21:27 44 Colm Foley 00:22:14 48 Niamh Quinn 00:23:35 (3) 64 Aisling O’Connor 00:25:14 (8) 89 Mary Dolan 00:27:09 (19) 125 Ciara McElligott 00:32:04 (41) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/poolbeg/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=24 Donabate Parkrun #119 (165) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Pat Cussen 1 00:18:47 17 Dara Ann Harford 1 00:22:23 Crusaders AC runner 5 Brian Scanlan 00:19:54 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/donabate/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=119 Longford Parkrun #90 (154) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 unknown 1 00:19:44 9 Fiona Fallon 1 00:22:51 Crusaders AC runner 10 Noel Reilly 00:22:54 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/longford/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=90 Bushy Dublin Parkrun #50 (178) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Adam Moss 1 00:19:44 16 Christine Kinsella 1 00:22:29 Crusaders AC runner 10 Marius McNicholas 00:21:42 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/bushydublin/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=50 Fairview Parkrun #30 (104) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Philip Doyle 1 00:19:15 13 Catherine O’Neill 1 00:22:51 Crusaders AC runner 10 Sean Smith 00:21:51 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/fairview/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=30 Oughterard Parkrun #10 (96) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Donal Kelly 1 00:19:12 11 Linda Buckley 1 00:25:01 Crusaders AC runner 10 Leo Lundy 00:24:20 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/oughterard/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=10 Lough Key Parkrun #89 (220) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Finley Daly 1 00:17:46 11 Deirdre Martin 1 00:21:31 Crusaders AC runner 2 Daniel Lowe 00:17:55 Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/loughkey/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=89 Ballincollig Parkrun #85 (447) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Denis Buckley 1 00:18:31 8 Myra Jones 1 00:20:02 Crusaders AC runner 89 Lisa Shine 00:24:03 (11) Full results here: http://www.parkrun.ie/ballincollig/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=85 Comments are closed.