![]() It was hard enough training on the Khyber Pass in the Phoenix Park on Saturday morning with a terrific headwind on the repeated climb so one can only imagine what it must have been like for those souls running in the IMRA Trooperstown race at the same time. Thankfully, there were not too many races taking place locally this weekend and, apart from one event, those other races on which we can report either took place indoors or preceded the triple whammy of storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklyn. We start with the indoor track and field meet that took place as a continuation of the NIA-Live events on Wednesday evening in Abbotstown. On an evening when Nick Griggs spectacularly broke the Irish U23 record, taking some serious senior scalps in the process in the PopUp Races-sponsored 1500m race, we had 6 Crusaders take part in the various graded races on offer. In heat 2 of the men’s 60m, Luke Timlin came in ahead of 3 runners in 7.25 and thereafter winning heat 2 of 5 of the men’s 400m in 51.84. Fearghal O’Hare ran in heat 4 of the same series, placing 3rd in 50.95. There were 4 heats of the men’s 1500m and we had 4 runners in heat 2. Enda Clarke led our contingent home with a PB time of 4:35.60, to take 4th place in a field of 11 competitors. Paul Cowhie was not too far behind in 5th place in a time of 4:37.26 and he was followed by Henry Griffin (7th in 4:45.05), just ahead of Karl Fitzmaurice (8th in 4:45.22). Interestingly, the inaugural Streets of Clane 5k road races that took place on Tuesday evening were also the inspiration of Brian Conroy’s PopUp races. To some extent modelled on the Armagh races (which apparently are not taking place this year), the events attracted some excellent runners, including a few Crusaders. In rainy and blustery conditions, the first event of the evening was the open race involving 3 laps of Clane town (the first slightly shorter than the last two). Fiona Shine excelled in this event. In a field of around 400 runners, Fiona recorded a PB time of 19:32 for 40th place overall and 5th woman across the line (2nd F35). In 93rd place, Alan Kavanagh also recorded a PB with his time of 21:12, whilst Richard Kavanagh’s time of 21:42 together with 113th place was solid enough for him to win his M65 age category. The contingent in this race was completed by Lisa and Mairin Shine, with Lisa placing 146th and 38th (7th F35) in 22:47, whilst Mairin won her F65 age category with a time of 29:34 for 304th and 110th. The elite race involved 152 runners on the same course as the open event and was noteworthy that more than half the field (80) came in under 17 minutes. Indeed, almost 95% came home under 20 minutes. Brian O’Kelly led the Crusaders across the line in a time of 15:38 for 24th spot and he was followed by Kieran Little (40th in 16:02), with Maurice Kelter, a little further back, in 99th place with a time of 17:26, quite likely a PB for Maurice. The race was won by UCD's Alberto Mondazzi in 14:35, with the ageless Brian Maher of Kilkenny not so far behind in 2nd place with a time of 14:41. Also, on the roads this week, but further afield, we had 3 runners take part in the Seville marathon on Sunday. Seville sort of marks the unofficial opening of the Spring marathon season and usually has decent enough weather, although it can get a little warm on what is otherwise a fast, somewhat twisty but flat, course. The runners this weekend had to cope with temperatures that started at around 10 degrees Celsius, but which climbed to around 19 degrees if you were still out there after 3 hours. Our first runner home, breaking 3 hours for the second consecutive time in the event, was Adrienne Jordan, who placed 68th woman home and 3rd in her F40 age category with a super time of 2:58:51, in spite of having stomach issues towards the end. Adrienne was followed by Bob Manson in his umpteenth marathon in a time of 3:09:59 with Gian Piero Allerta, who turned in a decent 3:37:01 despite somewhat curtailed training because of injury. At midday on Sunday, Triona Quill took part in the 2nd running of the Turgesius 10 mile in north County Westmeath. The race starts in Collinstown and finishes on the shoreline of Lough Lene, opposite Turgesius Island. This year’s event took place in monsoon-like conditions with the strong winds that we have been experiencing all week. The race, on one big horseshoe shaped course, involved 238 runners, including 5 Crusaders. The contingent was led home by Triona Quill in 84th place overall, 14th female finisher and 2nd F50 in 67:07. Triona was followed by Gillian Curran (113th and 26th in 82:52), Iseult Ni Chuinneagain (117th and 30th in 83:41), Maureen McGinley (195th and 55th in 97:19) and by Mary Dolan, whose time has not yet been officially recorded, but likely to have been around 99 minutes for a placing of just over 200th overall and around 60th female. The IMRA-organised race on Trooperstown Hill in Co. Wicklow took place in strong winds, but runners were helped a little on the uphill by having the wind behind them. It became a challenge, however, on the downhill to stay upright. The race, run over nearly 10k on difficult terrain with a climb of 380m, involved a field of 133 (excluding several university runners in their championships) with, among them, 4 Crusaders. Conor Greenan was first across the line for the club, in 3rd place and a time of 45:02. Hard on his heels came Warren Swords (4th and 3rd M40, in 45:05) and they were followed by Lean Ni Chiobhain (24th and 2nd in 50:44) and finally by Brian McGuckin (43rd and 3rd M50 in 54:06). In fact, the overall race was won by Enda Cloake as a university runner but his time has not been included in the results. With the challenging weather conditions this weekend, it is no surprise that parkrun numbers were down generally in terms of numbers and, with the strong winds, so were the average times. There were even parkruns that were cancelled because of the storms. This weekend we had two first finishers who don’t usually figure in parkruns. In Corkagh, in a field of 127, Lorraine Healy ran 22:21 for 10th place overall. Then, in Shanganagh, Suzanne Martin placed 12th overall in a field of 83 and a time of 21:33. Suzanne was joined there by Carina Davidson who ran 25:44 for 37th and 8th. We also had some podium places elsewhere. In Fairview, Hannah Jones ran 27:00 for 18th and 2nd in a field of 50, whilst Esther Requena Ferri ran 19:54 for 16th and 2nd in St. Anne’s. Along with 218 other runners, Esther was joined by Cristian Vilchez Ceballos who placed 5th in 17:35 and they were followed by Paul F. Kelly (38th in 21:55), Aine Crotty (111th and 21st in 26:19), Cian Coughlan (113th in 26:24) and Aoife Kelly (153rd and 42nd in 29:54). Brendan Glynn picked up a podium spot in Portumna where he placed 3rd in a field of 39 and a time of 23:12. Darina Scully tailwalked in River Valley Park, whilst Mairead Cashman placed 98th and 34th in a time of 28:46 in the 144-strong field in Stormont. Toby Benham and Colm Foley ran in Griffeen Park where, among a field of 144, they placed, respectively, 21st and 30th in 22:13 and 23:51, whilst Lisa and Marin Shine ran in Kilkenny with 122 other runners. Lisa placed 45th and 7th in 26:09, whilst Mairin placed 82nd and 27th in 30:06. Stephen Mulligan joined 236 other runners in Marlay Park where he placed 74th in 24:53, whilst David Carter took 4th spot in the 86-strong field in Cabinteely. David’s time was 21:01 and he was followed by young Mia Shine (54th and 15th in 30:39), paced by her mother, Fiona, who placed 55th and 16th in 30:42. We had 8 runners in Poolbeg. In the field of 103 they were led home by Tim O’Donnell who crossed the line in 7th spot in a time of 19:35. Tim was followed home by Sarah Lyons (33rd and 5th in 22:55), just ahead of John Lohan (34th in 22:56), and then Sharon Woods (36th and 6th in 23:03), Josie Ward (43rd and 9th in 24:20), Tara Murphy (57th and 12th in 25:53), Gillian Curran (85th and 24th in 29:51) and Maureen McGinley (86th and 25th in 29:55). Finally, Kris Ryan ran once again in Paradise Point in Queensland, Australia, where, in a field of 244 runners, she placed 35th and 6th in 22:43. Streets of Clane 5k open race (399) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 James Lynch 1 00:16:57 30 Sabrina Keogh 1 00:19:03 Crusaders AC runners 40 Fiona Shine 00:19:32 (PB) (5) 93 Alan Kavanagh 00:21:12 (PB) 113 Richard Kavanagh 00:21:42 146 Lisa Shine 00:22:47 (38) 304 Mairin Shine 00:29:34 (110) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/streets-of-clane-5k-2022/#1_7AAEAD Streets of Clane 5k elite race (152) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Alberto Mondazzi 1 00:14:34 77 Fiona McKenna 1 00:16:57 Crusaders AC runners 24 Brian O’Kelly 00:15:38 40 Kieran Little 00:16:02 99 Maurice Kelter 00:17:26 Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/streets-of-clane-5k-2022/#2_50D290 Turgesius 10-mile race (232)8 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Tudor Moldovan 1 00:53:46 23 Fiona Gettings 1 01:05:15 Crusaders AC runners 84 Triona Quill 01:17:07 (14) 113 Gillian Curran 01:22:52 (26) 117 Iseult Ni Chuinneagain 01:23:41 (30) 195 Maureen McGinley 01:37:19 (55) 20X Mary Dolan 01:39:XX (6X) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/turgesius_10_miler/4214/results IMRA Trooperstown Winter 10k race (133) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Karol Cronin 1 00:41:40 19 Deirdre NiCanna 1 00:50:06 Crusaders AC runners 3 Conor Greenan 00:45:02 4 Warren Swords 00:45:05 10 Alban Coghlan 00:44:15 24 Lean Ni Chiobhain 00:50:44 (2) 43 Brian McGuckin 00:54:06 Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2136/category/O/ Griffeen Parkrun (144) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Benjamin Caullier 1 00:16:25 15 Niamh Murphy 1 00:21:29 Crusaders AC runners 21 Toby Benham 00:22:13 30 Colm Foley 00:23:51 Kilkenny Parkrun (124) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Graham Bourne 1 00:19:08 10 Siobhan Burke 1 00:21:42 Crusaders AC runners 45 Lisa Shine 00:26:09 (7) 82 Mairin Shine 00:30:06 (27) Stormont Parkrun (144) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Barry Logue 1 00:18:35 2 Emily Morris 1 00:19:13 Crusaders AC runner 98 Mairead Cashman 00:28:46 (34) Marlay Parkrun (237) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Luke McMullan 1 00:17:42 20 Christine Kinsella 1 00:21:02 Crusaders AC runner 74 Stephen Mulligan 00:24:53 Fairview Parkrun (50) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Simon Pettit 1 00:19:36 10 Orla Deighan 1 00:24:16 Crusaders AC runner 18 Hannah Jones 00:27:00 (2) Corkagh Parkrun (127) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ian Feighery 1 00:20:22 10 Lorraine Healy 1 00:22:21 Crusaders AC runner 10 Lorraine Healy 00:22:21 (1) St. Anne’s Parkrun (219) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sam Murray 1 00:16:36 7 Emer Tynan 1 00:18:10 Crusaders AC runners 5 Cristian Vilchez Ceballos 00:17:35 16 Esther Requena Ferri 00:19:54 (2) 38 Paul F. Kelly 00:21:55 111 Aine Crotty 00:26:19 (21) 113 Cian Coughlan 00:26:24 153 Aoife Kelly 00:29:54 (42) Cabinteely Parkrun (86) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Golden 1 00:19:21 15 Deirdre McGing 1 00:24:07 Crusaders AC runners 4 David Carter 00:21:01 54 Mia Shine 00:30:39 (15) 55 Fiona Shine 00:30:42 (16) Poolbeg Parkrun (103) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Damian Bourke 1 00:17:51 13 Maura Ginty 1 00:20:13 Crusaders AC runners 7 Tim O’Donnell 00:19:35 33 Sarah Lyons 00:22:55 (5) 34 John Lohan 00:22:56 36 Sharon Woods 00:23:03 (6) 43 Josie Ward 00:24:20 (9) 57 Tara Murphy 00:25:53 (12) 85 Gillian Curran 00:29:51 (24) 86 Maureen McGinley 00:29:55 (25) Portumna Parkrun (39) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Eamonn Larkin 1 00:22:16 9 Mary Conwell 1 00:25:28 Crusaders AC runner 3 Brendan Glynn 00:23:12 Shanganagh Parkrun (83) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ben Mitchell 1 00:17:37 12 Suzanne Martin 1 00:21:33 Crusaders AC runners 12 Suzanne Martin 00:21:33 (1) 37 Carina Davidson 00:25:44 (8) River Valley Parkrun (67) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Daniel Cottell 1 00:20:41 3 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:22 Crusaders AC runner 59 Darina Scully 00:44:57 Comments are closed.