You name a race location and the club was quite likely represented there this week. From Roscommon to Wexford and on to Paris, Berlin, Florence and Canberra and a few places in between. We start on Wednesday with Sean Brady running in a TCD 5k race on the grass of College Green. He thinks the race measured quite short (perhaps as much as 500m) with his 5th place time of 18:35, so he added an extra lap to get his watch to confirm 5k(!), but likely still ran sub-20 minutes. Then, on Friday evening Áine Kenny decided to run in the first race in a series of four 5k events in Roscommon. Alongside 130 other participants, Áine finished in 10th place overall, 3rd female across the line, in a time of 20:20. Storm Kathleen had a major impact on parkruns on Saturday morning, but, at least, several went ahead as did the BHAA DCC-sponsored 4-mile road race in St. Anne’s Raheny, which for much of the period leading up to its start, looked to be in jeopardy because of the proximity of the route to trees around the park. It attracted a larger field than usual, to include runners from the Lord Mayor’s current fitness initiative. At least 10 Crusaders joined the field of 181, and they were led home by Donatas Jocius in 4th place in a time of 23:34. Donatas was followed by Paul Cowhie (5th in 23:45 and 1st in his new M60 age category) and then by Karl Walsh who was also 1st in his M45 age category (7th overall in 24:01). Sean Murphy, who trains with us, was next in 12th place with a time of 25:33 and he was followed by the 4th Crusader home, Phelim Murray (15th in 26:15). Next came Robbie Moore (30th in 28:37) and he was followed by Neil Brown (32nd in 28:48), Tony Hackett (38th in 29:15) and Olwyn Dunne (46th overall, 7th female and 2nd F55) who had made a last-minute decision to race after her flight to watch son Jack’s Exeter Chiefs play in the European Cup was cancelled. Lorraine Fitzsimons (147th, 71st and 4th F60 in 44:16) and Faeed Faeedi (155th in 45:31) completed the contingent. Also on Saturday, Shane Egan took 23rd place in the 562-strong field in the Bear Races Dundalk Half marathon in a time of 88:48 in extremely windy conditions, whilst, further afield, Ciarain Kelly took part in the Prague Half marathon, and, in warm conditions, he ran 80:39. On the same day, one of our exiles in Australia, Maurice Kelter, ran a PB in a wet and hilly Canberra marathon with a time of 2:41. Finally, Brandon Lai ran an ultra in Croatia (The Istria 100 Buzet organised by the group that organises the UTMB) and, over a distance of 110k, Brandon completed the challenge in 16:04:48. Then, on Sunday, Justin O'Connor took part in the Sonia O’Sullivan Cobh 10-miler, where, in a field of 828 runners, he finished in 355th place in a time of 84:41. Members may be interested to hear that Shane Collins, an ex-Crusader, ran 53:57 for 5th place. Also, on the same day, we had a large contingent in both the Paris Marathon and the Berlin Half marathon. In warm conditions on the continent (as in Prague the previous day), we had some excellent results. Toby Benham led the contingent home in Paris, finishing in 2:58:49. He was followed not too far behind by Rob Glascott, who, despite an interrupted training programme, still managed to record a great time of 2:59:46. Next came Paul Moloney, who really enjoyed the experience and who ran another excellent time of 3:07:14. Paul was followed by Brian Reilly, nursing a slight injury, who ran 3:21:52 and by Eva Kennedy who recorded a net time of 3:38:25 (a difference of nearly an hour from her guntime of 4:29:13!). The contingent was completed by Kevin Kenny (4:06:29), Thomas O’Dwyer (4:19:00) and Florian Mormont (4:46:41) who suffered severe leg cramps in the heat after 28k, but still managed to finish. We had a decent turnout too in the Berlin Half marathon, again in much higher temperatures than we are used to at this time of year in Ireland. Kevin Kavanagh crossed the line in a great time in the circumstances of 79:38. He was followed by Lukasz Batruch (90:54) and then by Luke Haran. Luke recorded a time of 1:43:44 and he was followed by Lydia Bigley (1:58:38), Tanja Narancic (1:59:32), Lieze Verberght (2:01:49), Joe Green (2:05:03) and by Fanny Trébouet (2:06:58). Elsewhere, Rachel Kelly recorded a 25-minute PB improvement in the Brighton marathon on Sunday, where she ran 5:18:22, whilst, in the Firenze Half marathon in Florence, Jeanie Watson ran 2:18:07. Further north, Sala Kabir ran in the Milan Marathon, where he finished in a time of 3:41:58. Finally, Cristian Vilchez Ceballos, one of our Spanish exiles, ran a 3,000m on the track in Malaga, winning the race in 9:28.62. Closer to home, the WM&T held a social run and awards ceremony on Sunday and we learned that the Crusaders ladies C team had placed 2nd in their division in the winter league, whilst Máirín Shine was 2nd F60 in the league. In the mountains over the weekend, Warren Swords ran in the Annagh Hill 10.7k challenge down in Co. Wicklow, where, in the race with its 550m climb, he took what he described as the scenic route, placing 20th in a field of 93 in a time of 77:18. The race was the latest in the Leinster Spring League. Probably as a consequence of the difficult conditions experienced on Saturday morning because of Storm Kathleen, there was a lower turnout than usual in all the parkruns. Our participation was also affected by foreign travel! Nevertheless, we had at least one first finisher among the relatively few from the club who did participate. Ciara Regan ran in the Tubbercurry Trail Parkrun, where, in a field of 108, she placed 3rd overall and 1st female across the line in a time of 22:08. Down in Shanganagh, Darina scully placed 37th and 5th in 23:35. Darina was followed home in the field of 220 by Jill Nason (124th and 38th in 29:34) and by Carina Davidson (198th and 88th in 36:38). Then, in Tolka Valley, Maria Pertl placed 20th and 7th in a 42-strong field and in a time of 29:55, whilst, in Fairview, with its field of 162, Andy Deuser ran 23:27 for 22nd place, followed home by Mairead Cashman who placed 110th and 42nd in 32:15. Poolbeg still enjoyed a relatively large field of 164 with at least 12 Crusaders taking part. Fiona Bane led the contingent home in 47th and 8th places in 24:46, followed by Josie Ward (66th and 17th in 26:08), Dave Tilly (72nd in 26:41), Tara Murphy (74th and 21st in 26:55), Iseult Ni Chuinneagain (75th and 22nd one second behind in 26:56), Aisling O’Riordan (96th and 34th in 28:22), Louise O’Riordan (106th and 40th in 28:58), Una McCullagh (126th and 55th in 31:26), Cynthia Peruicca (133rd and 59th in 32:43), Niamh Trihy (138th and 63rd in 34:35), Mari Hansen (143rd and 67th in 35:10) and John Lohan, tailwalking. Members of the Shine family ran in Marlay Park. Fiona placed 296th and 104th in 32:13, followed by Máirín (297th and 105th in 32:19) and by Lisa (377th and 157th in 46:19). The field there measured 392. Meanwhile, Colm Foley joined 179 other runners in Griffeen Park, where he placed 33rd in a time of 24:12. Further afield, our exile Thom Martini ran in Gunnersbury Park in Ealing in London placing 282nd in a field of 610 in a time of 27:47, whilst another exile, Richard Morrissey, placed 19th in a field 711 in Dulwich in a time of 17:55. Finally John Reidy ran in Perth in Scotland where, in a field of 307, he placed 55th in a time of 22:26. BHAA DCC mixed 4-mile road race (181) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aidan Jones 1 00:21:48 6 Laura McDonnell 1 00:23:51 Crusaders AC runners 4 Donatas Jocius 00:23:34 5 Paul Cowhie 00:23:45 7 Karl Walsh 00:24:01 15 Phelim Murray 00:26:15 30 Robbie Moore 00:28:37 32 Neil Brown 00:28:48 38 Anthony Hackett 00:29:15 46 Olwyn Dunne 00:30:34 (7) 147 Lorraine Fitzsimons 00:44:16 (71) 155 Faeed Faeedi 00:45:31 Full results here: Roscommon Harriers 5k (131) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Declan Ryan 1 00:17:33 10 Áine Kenny 1 00:20:20 Crusaders AC runner 10 Áine Kenny 00:20:20 (1) Full results here: BearRaces Dundalk Half marathon (562) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Andrew Tees 1 01:17:15 24 Joan Flynn 1 01:29:06 Crusaders AC runner 23 Shane Egan 01:28:48 Full results here: Sonia O’Sullivan Cobh 10-mile road race (257) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Tim O’Donoghue 1 00:51:37 12 Michelle Finn 1 00:57:08 Crusaders AC runner 355 Justin O'Connor 01:24:41 Full results here: IMRA Annagh Hill 10.7k (93) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Enda Cloake 1 00:57:40 18 Caroline Harney 1 01:15:35 Crusaders AC runner 22 Warren Swords 01:17:18 Full results here: Tubbercurry Trail Parkrun (108) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Drew 1 00:21:00 3 Ciara Regan 1 00:22:08 Crusaders AC runner 3 Ciara Regan 00:22:08 (1) Shanganagh Parkrun (220) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Rory Lush 1 00:18:05 11 Eleanor Foot 1 00:20:03 Crusaders AC runners 37 Darina Scully 00:23:35 (5) 124 Jill Nason 00:29:34 (38) 198 Carina Davidson 00:36:38 (88) Tolka Valley Parkrun (42) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Eoin Callaghan 1 00:18:49 6 Caoimhe Hickey 1 00:23:26 Crusaders AC runner 20 Maria Pertl 00:29:55 (7) Poolbeg Parkrun (164) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Peter Kern 1 00:18:58 9 Ruth Dervan 1 00:20:29 Crusaders AC runners 47 Fiona Bane 00:24:46 (8) 66 Josie Ward 00:26:08 (17) 72 Dave Tilly 00:26:41 74 Tara Murphy 00:26:55 (21) 75 Iseult Ni Chuinneagain 00:26:56 (22) 96 Aisling O’Riordan 00:28:22 (34) 106 Louise O’Riordan 00:28:58 (40) 126 Una McCullagh 00:31:26 (55) 133 Cynthia Perucca 00:32:43 (59) 138 Niamh Trihy 00:34:35 (63) 143 Mari Hansen 00:35:10 (67) 164 John Lohan 00:52:21 Fairview Parkrun (162) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Niall Ainsworth 1 00:19:44 20 Aisling McNally 1 00:23:19 Crusaders AC runners 22 Andy Deuser 00:23:27 110 Mairead Cashman 00:32:15 (42) Griffeen Parkrun (180) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michal Gil 1 00:18:19 21 Shuang Shuang Wang 1 00:22:26 Crusaders AC runner 33 Colm Foley 00:24:12 Marlay Parkrun (392) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Daniel Doran 1 00:18:21 8 Doireann Mullany 1 00:19:56 Crusaders AC runners 296 Fiona Shine 00:32:13 (104) 297 Máirín Shine 00:32:19 (105) 377 Lisa Shine 00:46:19 (157) Comments are closed.