![]() Despite the cold weather that we are currently experiencing, the year is truly now beginning to heat up in terms of racing activity. We start with the National Masters’ Indoors (or is it now “Short Track”?) races, held in Athlone throughout Saturday. Enda Clarke distinguished himself by winning the M40 gold medal in the 1500m, where he recorded a time of 4:20.21. Medals also went to Donal Swift in the 200m sprint (2nd M70 in a time of 41.15) and Liam Lyster in the shot put (3rd M65 with a throw of 9.80m (his last of 4 efforts). Liam also competed in the long jump, taking the gold medal with a leap of 3.19m, a win by 2 cm. Mick McDermott recorded a time of 9.88 for 9th place in the M45 60m sprints despite tearing his calf coming out of the blocks, whilst Karl Fitzmaurice placed 8th in the M45 3k in a time of 10:30.58. Members may also be interested to learn that Catherine Thornton, a GCH athlete who trains with us from time to time, won the gold medal in the F35 3,000m, leading the entire field across the line in a time of 10:18. Then, on Sunday, we had several athletes running as guests in the 123.ie indoor league at the National Arena. Charlie Bastow won his 400m guest heat in a time of 51.71, whilst Valentinos Goularas and Sean Owens were the only contestants in the men’s guest 60mH. Valentinos took the honours in a time of 8.18, followed by Sean in 8.25. Leo Gormley placed 3rd in his guest 200m heat (the 3rd) in a time of 24.87, whilst Sean ran in the 5th heat, placing 2nd in 23.14. The first BHAA cross-country meet of the year took place in Tymon Park on Saturday morning, enjoying a field of 134, 10% of them Crusaders. In benign but cold conditions and on a course that would have been muddy in parts through grassy fields on the eastern side of the M50, the 6k mixed race, involving 3.75 undulating loops, saw Clare Sullivan come home in first place in the women’s field and 28th overall in a time of 25:02. Ahead of Clare came men's captain Joe McDermott (12th in 23:26), followed by Joe Walsh (17th in 23:58). Clare was then followed across the line by Gary Park (34th in 25:49), just ahead of Eoghan Kerins (35th in 25:51), and they were followed by Neil Brown (52nd and 2nd M55 in 27:33), Rachael Yorke (62nd and 6th in 28:03), Robbie Moore (74th in 29:01), David O’Donnell (84th in 29:39), Tony Hackett (86th in 29:46), Tomás Dunne (97th in 30:33) making is way back from long-term injury, and then by Susan Walsh who managed to pip husband Mike McGovern to the post in the dying moments. Building on her success in the Goal Mile on Christmas Day, Susan placed 110th, 16th female finisher and 1st F60, whilst Mike placed 111th in 32:52. Members may be interested to learn that Sean Murphy who trains with us from time to time placed 39th in 26:21. On Sunday morning in Seán Moore Park, Fiona and Lisa Shine and a bunch of Crusaders, who volunteered to stand in the cold and marshall, hosted the latest round, the second event, of the Women’s Meet & Train Winter League. The event employed much of the Poolbeg Parkrun course, although with a slight deviation regarding the hills in the Irishtown Nature Reserve to create a loop. The race measured about 3.6k. Results are now out and we had at least 27 runners in a field of 162 finishers. Team results are difficult to determine at this stage, but individually the results were as follows, and it is likely that our teams are still holding their own. The winner of the race was Donore's Caroline McCarthy who completed the distance in 14:25. Our first runner home, unsurprisingly, was Jeanie Watson (13th in 15:18) and Jeanie was followed by ladies' captain Rebecca Fleming (23rd in 15:47), Joanna Carey (25th in 15:48) right behind and just ahead of Sophia Morgan (26th in 15:49). Then came Tanja Narancic (30th in 16:07), followed by Cría Dowling (32nd in 16:11), Hannah Jones (35th in 16:17), Laura Gobbi (37th in 16:25), Darina Scully (45th in 16:44), Carmel Higgins (58th in 17:15), Beatriz Novoa (71st in 17:27), Patricia Velasques (74th in 17:36), Lydia Bigley (75th in 17:38), Emer Kenny (80th in 17:42), Kelly Brown (95th in 18:15), Amy Forde (117th in 18:50), Carina Davidson (123rd in 18:57), Laura O'Malley (131st in 19:16), Emma O'Mahony (133rd in 19:25), Anna Shine (139th in 19:48), Caitlin Ni Mhurchu (141st in 20:11), Mairead Cashman (149th in 21:12), Máirín Shine (154th in 23:15), Niamh Trihy (157th in 24:53), accompanied by race organisers Lisa Shine (158th) and Fiona Shine (159th) in the same time. Paula Gonzalez (161st in 28:38) and Ann Arma (162nd in 28:39) completed the picture. Congrats to all on a super event and well done to Fiona and Lisa and all the Cru volunteers! Further afield over the weekend, one of our exiles in France, Clément Rincé, ran in his Championnat Départemental d’Yvelines de Cross in Verneuil-sur-Seine, where over a distance of just over 8.2k he placed 3rd individually in the cross-country race in a time of 27:53 and was a scorer on the third-placed team. Lukasz Batruch ran in the Valencia 10k, recording a time in the streets race of 40:10. Finally, Italo Giancaterina, one of our Italian exiles, ran in 10k XC race in Pineto. Italo placed 6th overall and 1st M35 in a time of 33:14. Finally, Aitor Arribas Velasco ran in a 15k in La Vuelta Pedestre a Tres Cantos near Madrid. On a hilly course in cool and rainy conditions Aitor recorded a time of 1:24:57. For the time being, numbers of participants remain high in parkruns. That New Year’s resolution is holding so far! Maybe this year we will be surprised and see it continuing over the coming months. As usual, Poolbeg had a significant turnout of Crusaders, in a field that itself was quite decent for its 250th running. Indeed, its field almost matched, at 251, its milestone. We had 18 runners in total and the two first finishers in this memorable event were Crusaders. John Mulvihill led the 18-strong contingent and the overall field across the line in a time of 17:22, whilst Annie Hughes was the first female athlete home in 12th place overall and a time of 19:47. In between came Kenan Furlong in 3rd place overall in a PB time of 17:34 and he was followed by Ross Neill (5th in 18:26). After Annie came Adrian Groarke (15th in 20:07) and he was followed by Ciara Regan (19th overall and 2nd female finisher in 20:16), John Lohan (35th in 21:52), Lisa Branigan (38th and 4th in 22:44), Fiona Bane (66th and 8th in 23:42), Franky Keane (81st in 24:36), just ahead of Paul Campbell (83rd in 24:41). Behind Paul came Josie Ward (93rd and 18th in 25:09) and she was followed by Kate Healy (108th and 25th in 25:54), Tara Murphy (116th and 29th in 26:25), Joanne Carey, pacing one of her children (129th and 36th in 27:10), alongside Tanja Narancic keeping her company (130th and 37th in 27:11) and ahead of Maureen McGinley (161st and 53rd in 29:01) and Anna Hernick (164th and 55th in 29:11). Kate Murray was another first finisher, placing 3rd overall in the 57-strong field in Strokestown in a time of 24:12, whilst Toby Benham placed 3rd in the field of 22 in Castlehaven, recording a time of 23:15. Rory Goldsmith also placed 3rd in Cabinteely. Alongside 198 other runners Rory ran 19:36, whilst, Serena Moloney placed 18th and 4th in Templemore in a time of 25:31. In the field of 92, Serena was followed by Lisa Shine (64th and 28th in 35:09) and Máirín Shine (85th and 43rd in 48:21). Dave Carter took eighth place in Shanganagh in a time of 19:01 and, in the field of 229, he was followed across the line by Jill Nason (146th and 46th in 29:38) and Carina Davidson (194th and 74th in 32:59). In Malahide, Darina Scully finished in 85th and 9th places in 23:20 alongside 390 other participants, whilst Phil Sykes ran in Marlay Park where, in a field of 621, he placed 69th in 22:21. Helena O’Keeffe ran once again in Tramore Valley in Cork, where, in a field of 235, she placed 64th and 12th in 25:09, whilst Brendan Glynn ran in Donabate, where, in a field of 248, he ran 23:58 for 55th spot. Once again, St. Anne’s boasted a huge field of 603 where Michael Maughan placed 106th in 23:24, followed by Irene Gorman, who is 4 months pregnant and who ran 26:31 for 210th and 50th places. Our lone runner in Tymon, Enda Currid, placed 11th in 21:27 alongside 145 other runners, whilst Orlaith de Burca joined 78 other participants in Illanmanagh in Co. Clare, where she placed 41st and 13th in 29:52. In Porterstown Martina White ran 28:03 where, in a field of 163, she placed 84th and 20th, whilst Mairead Cashman took 108th and 29th spots in a field of 138 in Brickfields where she recorded a time of 34:40. Meanwhile, in Fairview, we had two runners, Hannah Jones and Gillian Lyons. In a field of 232, Hannah placed 127th and 26th in 28:38, whilst Gillian finished in a time of 32:08 for 172nd and 48th spots. BHAA BoI mixed XC 6k (134) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Doran 1 00:21:35 28 Clare Sullivan 1 00:25:02 Crusaders AC runners 12 Joe McDermott 00:23:26 17 Joe Walsh 00:23:58 28 Clare Sullivan 00:25:02 (1) 34 Gary Park 00:25:49 35 Eoghan Kerins 00:25:51 52 Neil Brown 00:27:33 62 Rachael Yorke 00:28:03 (6) 74 Robbie Moore 00:29:01 84 David O’Donnell 00:29:39 86 Anthony Hackett 00:29:46 97 Tomás Dunne 00:30:33 110 Susan Walsh 00:32:44 (16) 111 Michael McGovern 00:32:52 Full results here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:05568ad1-1456-428b-aad8-691d4a295c35?fbclid=IwAR1-Ta1mX2KzGC9Tf_sCa1bmFQQw3oSfnzG9H8Ec2Nx6j-vCodq9etQESFk Women’s Meet & Train (162) Overall place Name Guntime 1 Caroline McCarthy 00:14:25 Crusaders AC runners 13 Jeanie Watson 00:15:18 23 Rebecca Fleming 00:15:47 25 Sophia Morgan 00:15:49 30 Tanja Narancic 00:16:07 32 Cría Dowling 00:16:11 35 Hannah Jones 00:16:17 37 Laura Gobbi 00:16:25 45 Darina Scully 00:16:44 58 Carmel Higgins 00:17:15 71 Beatriz Novoa 00:17:27 74 Patricia Velasques 00:17:36 75 Lydia Bigley 00:17:38 80 Emer Kenny 00:17:42 95 Kelly Brown 00:18:15 117 Amy Forde 00:18:50 123 Carina Davidson 00:18:57 131 Laura O'Malley 00:19:16 133 Emma O'Mahony 00:19:25 139 Anna Shine 00:19:48 141 Caitlin Ni Mhurchu 00:20:11 149 Mairead Cashman 00:21:12 154 Máirín Shine 00:23:15 157 Niamh Trihy 00:24:53 158 Lisa Shine 00:24:53 159 Fiona Shine 00:24:53 161 Paula Gonzalez 00:28:38 162 Ann Arma 00:28:39 Poolbeg Parkrun (251) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Mulvihill 1 00:17:22 12 Annie Hughes 1 00:19:47 Crusaders AC runners 1 John Mulvihill 00:17:22 3 Kenan Furlong 00:17:34 (PB) 5 Ross Neill 00:18:26 12 Annie Hughes 00:19:47 (1) 15 Adrian Groarke 00:20:07 19 Ciara Regan 00:20:16 (2) 35 John Lohan 00:21:52 38 Lisa Branigan 00:22:44 (4) 66 Fiona Bane 00:23:42 (8) 81 Franky Keane 00:24:36 93 Josie Ward 00:25:09 (18) 108 Kate Healy 00:25:54 (25) 116 Tara Murphy 00:26:25 (29) 129 Joanne Carey 00:27:10 (36) 130 Tanja Narancic 00:27:11 (37) 161 Maureen McGinley 00:29:01 (53) 164 Anna Hernick 00:29:11 (55) Shanganagh Parkrun (229) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 August Benedicto 1 00:17:41 13 Hannah Craddock 1 00:20:04 Crusaders AC runners 8 David Carter 00:19:01 146 Jill Nason 00:29:38 (46) 194 Carina Davidson 00:32:59 (74) St. Anne’s Parkrun (603) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Cormac Brennan 1 00:17:52 12 Helen Marshall 1 00:18:57 Crusaders AC runners 106 Michael Maughan 00:23:24 210 Irene Gorman 00:26:31 (50) Illanmanagh Parkrun (79) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Noel Marshall 1 00:20:14 8 Katie Downes 1 00:22:37 Crusaders AC runner 41 Orlaith de Burca 00:29:52 (13) Templemore Parkrun (92) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Denis McCullagh 1 00:20:35 7 Mairead Butler 1 00:23:32 Crusaders AC runners 18 Serena Moloney 25:31 (4) 64 Lisa Shine 00:35:09 (28) 85 Máirín Shine 00:48:21 (43) Donabate Parkrun (248) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Samuel Mulhare 1 00:18:12 8 Sheila Bourke 1 00:20:09 Crusaders AC runner 55 Brendan Glynn 00:23:58 Malahide Parkrun (391) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Jackson Rendall 1 00:16:58 28 Maura Matthews 1 00:20:53 Crusaders AC runner 85 Darina Scully 00:23:20 (9) Cabinteely Parkrun (192) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Alan McAndrew 1 00:19:24 13 Robyn Kennedy 1 00:21:31 Crusaders AC runner 3 Rory Goldsmith 00:19:36 Castlehaven Parkrun (22) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ciarán Bouse 1 00:21:10 11 Sharon Poulter 1 00:30:48 Crusaders AC runner 3 Toby Benham 00:23:15 Marlay Parkrun (621) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ruben Bartelink 1 00:17:23 16 Jennifer O’Sullivan 1 00:19:29 Crusaders AC runner 69 Phil Sykes 00:22:21 Brickfields Parkrun (138) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ciaran Aylward 1 00:18:19 17 Catriona Darroch 1 00:22:58 Crusaders AC runner 108 Mairead Cashman 00:34:40 (29) Porterstown Parkrun (163) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Og MacSeoin 1 00:17:33 7 Laura Behan 1 00:19:59 Crusaders AC runner 84 Martina White 00:28:03 (20) Tramore Valley, Cork Parkrun (235) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Briain Madden 1 00:17:37 23 Amy Goggin 1 00:22:30 Crusaders AC runner 64 Helena O’Keeffe 00:25:09 (12) Strokestown Parkrun (57) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Patrick Holmes 1 00:22:31 3 Kate Murray 1 00:24:12 Crusaders AC runner 3 Kate Murray 00:24:12 (1) Fairview Parkrun (232) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aaron Mullan 1 00:17:52 12 Aoife O’Sullivan 1 00:25:11 Crusaders AC runners 127 Hannah Jones 00:28:38 (26) 172 Gillian Lyons 00:32:08 (48) Tymon Parkrun (146) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 David Kelly 1 00:19:16 17 Christine Kinsella 1 00:22:23 Crusaders AC runner 11 Enda Currid 00:21:27 Comments are closed.