Many of you will have noticed that we have a new membership system. Whilst our previous system was more than adequate in accepting memberships, we believed that we could get a system with much more functionality. We have brought in a system called LoveAdmin (yes, we know, it sounds like a dating site!!). This system will allow us to interact with you in a much more proactive manner and allow more flexibility. We can now offer a 12-month rolling club membership regardless of when you renew your subs. We can also allow you to more easily book training sessions, to book into the classes we intend to run in the club house (covid permitting) and it will allow us (the volunteers) to more easily manage the growing admin burden of the club.
For those who have not yet renewed your subs, please note that your old account name and password for the previous system no longer apply. You will need to set up a new account and password. Our IT Guru Paul Kelly has done up a “how to” guide to the system which is available on the Join/Renew page. We recommend using the guide when renewing your subs. It can be viewed by clicking HERE. Comments are closed.