The racing week started in Dunboyne, the scene of the BHAA Govt. Services 5 mile road race, traditionally fast and flat, and so it proved to be on what was quite a warm but dry evening. We had at least 15 runners in the race and there were some excellent results. The race was won by Mick Clohisey (23:27), who got the better of Kevin Maunsell (23:36) and Peter Somba (24:39). First across the line for Crusaders was Rob Cross in 4th place who not only won his age category but also marked his run with a PB of 25:35. Members will be interested to know that Sean Murphy, who trains with the club, placed 36th in 28:36, just ahead of John McAuley (39th in 28:49). Niall O’Connell was next with a storming run to place 51st in a 72 second PB improvement to 29:19 (first time under 30 mins). In a field of nearly 440 runners, top 250 finishes went to Joe Walsh (57th in 29:32), Eddie Nugent (66th in 31:09), Tomas Mahony (86th in 31:09), relative newcomer Ollie McGrath (90th in 31:19), Tomas Dunne (123rd in 32:42), Tony Hackett (196th in 35:13), Robbie Moore (202nd in 35:25) and Neil Brown (236th in a PB time of 36:59). Kate Murray was our first female home, placing 215th overall, 18th woman finisher and 5th in her age category, in a time of 35:56. Kate was followed by Kris Ryan (266th overall, 24th woman, in 37:06), Emma O’Mahony (266th overall, 31st woman, in 37:37) and by Mairead Cashman (385th overall, 87th woman, in 45:17).
On Wednesday evening we had 7 runners take part in an IMRA league race that took place around Trooperstown Hill. 192 runners in total took on the 9km event with a 430m climb and a turnaround at the summit of Boots Mountain. Diarmaid Collins won it in 43:02 and our runners were led home by Warren Swords who placed 4th in 44:38. In his 100th IMRA race, Brian McGuckin was 20th in 48:24 followed in 23rd by Brian Leonard, who was running his 50th, in 48:28. In 44th place overall came Laura Flannelly (53:20) and 2nd female finisher. Anthony O’Reilly was 51st in 54:06, followed by Sonja Fuhrmann in 58th place overall (55:10) (5th woman finisher) and Berndt Heim in 168th (1:14:55). The next racing took place on Thursday evening. On the track, Brendan Glynn and Lorraine Healy, who trains with the club, went up to Drogheda, to take part in the local club’s 3rd graded meet. Brendan used the 400m mixed E race to warm up for a 1500m race and actually won it in 67.96. Lorraine joined him for the mixed 1500m B race, placing 10th in 5:07.15, whilst Brendan came home in 16th in 5:31.96. Also on Thursday, Emma O’Mahony and husband Barry competed with Ciara McElligott in the first of 4 races by the UK-based organisation behind the Born to Run Series. The 10K trail race took place in the grounds of Malahide Castle Demesne in damp conditions. In a field of more than 150 runners, Barry took 3rd place in a time of 36:28, whilst Emma, in her second race of the week, placed 40th overall, 4th woman, in 45:07. Meanwhile, Ciara took 145th spot overall, 67th woman, in 1:02:00. Moving on to the weekend, we had two runners in the Cork City marathon on Sunday. In warm conditions on a challenging course, Eugene McDonough managed to come home in 3:07:36, 75th place out of more than 1,150 runners, after finding the last 5k extremely tough with cramp. Newcomer Damien O’Brien also took part, coming home in 180th spot in an 8-minute PB-improved time of 3:25:02. On Saturday, Bob Cahill made an effort to win a race which he won two years ago and placed 2nd in last year: the Tullaroan marathon. In a field of 29 runners, Bob was unable to recover the title, but did a sterling job, in warm conditions on a tough hilly course, to place 2nd again in a time of 3:02:29. Kris Ryan joined 12 other runners to take on the ultra and she placed 2nd woman home, 5th overall, in a time of 6:10:02. Then, on Monday, Leo Lundy joined a small group of 25 runners to take part in the Director’s marathon in Tullaroan, coming home in a time of 4:34. Our mountain-running specialist, Jason Kehoe, travelled down to Kerry to take part in the Irish and Munster league race on Carrauntoohil and on Saturday he won the race which involved a distance of 12.5km and a climb of nearly 1,150m, beating 86 other runners in the process. On Sunday, several clubmates travelled to Tullamore to take part in the Leinster U23, senior and masters track and field championships. Rhianna McCarthy placed 4th in the U23 100m in a time of 13.11. Then, she ran in the Senior 200m and took bronze in 27:05. John O'Loughlin ran in 3 events as an O/50, taking silver in each of the 100m and 200m in respective times of 12.89 and 25.83. He then went one better by taking gold in the 400m in 57.72, whilst Simon Everard also took gold as an O/35 in the 400m in 54.57. Neil Brown placed 6th in the O/45 5,000m race in a time of 21:49 and then went on to win silver in the shot put with a throw of 7.01m. Also, in the field, Karen Conway took silver in the O/35 discus event with a throw of 23.17m and then went on to win the hammer with a throw of 31.31m. Another highlight of the bank holiday weekend was the running of the Women's mini marathon. reputedly, 30,000 women took to the streets and roads of South Dublin on a course that was the reverse of previous years, which made for what appeared to be a super fast race. This is the last year of the race being held on a Monday and next year, as with the marathon, it will be held on a Sunday. It was duly won by Ann-Marie McGlynn in an excellent time of 33:55, well ahead of Laura Shaughnessy (34:27) in 2nd place and nearly a minute faster than she ran it in 2015 when she placed 2nd. Our Orla Drumm, who was lying in 15th place or so at the 3k mark, managed to storm through the field and by 6k had made it to 9th position, finally coming through at the end in a well-deserved 6th in 36:45, an amazing result given that she was recovering from sickness this week. Results have now been officially released and we had at least 12 runners in the race, with Orlaith de Burca and Rachel Yorke at least getting PBs. In Orlaith's case it was a 5 minute improvement to 48.13. The results are as follows: Nina Holmes (60th in 42:52), Dee Ni Chearbhaill (71st in 43:02), Kate Murray (108th in 44:25), Amy Wright (152nd in 45:38, and discovering that she was going down with a bug that kept her in bed the following day), Rachel Yorke (160th in a PB time of 45:51), Orlaith de Burca (279th in a PB time of 48:13), Darina Scully (308th in 48:40), Fiona Bane (373rd in 49:24), Louise Yorke (1,197th in 55:29, possibly a PB), Mairead Cashman (1,433rd in 56:36) and Rhona McGrath (2,219th in 59:51). A race missed off last week’s report was the Brussels 20k on Sunday 28 May in which Robbie Moore competed. Robbie reports that the course was quite challenging, owing to the gentle long overall climb and it had several tunnels between km 3 and 7 as well as a long and steep climb about 3km long up the last avenue to the finish. After a decent start, Robbie went through 10km in 46.30 but faded slightly as the heat, about 27 degrees Celsius, got to him producing a finish in 1.36.20, still about a minute faster than 2016. He reckons he drank about 2 1/2 litres of water during the race. Race atmosphere was apparently brilliant with live music or DJ's every 3 or 4 km and there was great support from the residents of Brussels. There was a decent turnout in the parkruns over the bank holiday weekend. Colm Kernan joined Matt Cranley, Maria Pertl, Ciara McElligott and Lorraine Fitzsimons, along with 335 other runners in St. Anne’s. Colm took 11th place in 18:46, followed by Matt (22nd in 19:42), Maria (164th overall, 32nd woman, in 26:47), Ciara (240th overall, 75th woman, in 30:04) and Lorraine (254th overall, 82nd woman, in 30:52). Anthony O’Reilly was our lone representative in Cootehill. In a field of 34, Anthony placed 3rd in 20:40. Donal Foley was also on his own in Johnstown, Wexford, among 155 other runners. Donal placed 27th in 22:04. In Shanganagh, with its field of 121 runners, Mike Stewart placed 21st in 22:08, whilst Orlaith de Burca came home in 110th spot overall, 44th woman, in 33:21. David Carter and Colm Foley took on the hilly Cabinteely, with David placing 2nd in 19:49 and Colm, 29th in 23:47. They were accompanied by 113 other participants. Darina Scully was our only runner in Father Collins, placing 33rd overall in a total field of 89 runners. Morevoer, Darina was 4th woman home in a time of 26:50. In his first parkrun, James Cahill participated alongside Mairead Cashman in Bushy Dublin. Among a field of 90 runners, James placed 2nd in 18:15, whilst Mairead took 59th spot overall, 15th woman, in 28:16. In Marlay, Lesley-Ann Doughan joined more than 440 other runners, coming home in 39th place overall and 2nd to Ciara Hickey in a time of 20:45. Lastly, participating in one of her last events before departing for Texas at the end of the month, Yvonne Macauley took on and placed first finisher overall in a challenging Castlehaven. Yvonne’s time of 21:03 was good enough to finish ahead of the entire field of 23 other runners. BHAA Govt. Services 5 mile Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Mick Clohisey 1 00:23:27 102 Aoife Brady 1 00:31:52 Crusaders AC runners 4 Rob Cross 00:25:35 (PB) 39 John McAuley 00:28:49 51 Niall O’Connell 00:29:19 (PB) 57 Joe Walsh 00:29:32 66 Eddie Nugent 00:30:06 86 Tomas Mahony 00:31:09 90 Ollie McGrath 00:31:19 123 Tomas Dunne 00:32:42 196 Tony Hackett 00:35:13 202 Robbie Moore 00:35:25 215 Kate Murray 00:35:56 (18) 236 Neil Brown 00:36:59 (PB) 244 Kris Ryan 00:37:06 (24) 266 Emma O’Mahony 00:37:37 (31) 385 Mairead Cashman 00:45:17 (87) Full results here: Born to Run Series #1 10K Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ger Copeland 1 00:35:09 4 Zoe Quinn 1 00:37:30 Crusaders AC runners 3 Barry O’Mahony 00:36:28 40 Emma O’Mahony 00:45:07 (4) 145 Ciara McElligott 01:02:00 (67) Full results here: Cork marathon Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Chris Mocko 1 02:26:42 23 Jill Hodgins 1 02:48:17 Crusaders AC runners 75 Eugene McDonough 03:07:36 180 Damien O’Brien 03:25:02 (PB) Full results here: Tullaroan marathon Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mick McKenna 1 03:01:59 22 Siobhan Roche 1 05:05:13 Crusaders AC runner 2 Bob Cahill 03:03:28 Full results here: Mini Marathon Overall place Name Cat. Place guntime 1 Annmarie McGlynn 1 00:33:55 Crusaders AC runners Full results here: St Anne’s Parkrun #185 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Colin Griffin 1 00:16:38 27 Crona Brady 1 00:20:09 Crusaders AC runners 11 Colm Kernan 00:18:46 22 Matt Cranley 00:19:42 164 Maria Pertl 00:26:47 (32) 240 Ciara McElligott 00:30:04 (75) 254 Lorraine Fitzsimons 00:30:52 (82) Full results here: Cootehill Parkrun #135 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Damien Connolly 1 00:18:59 7 Oonagh Duffy 1 00:22:30 Crusaders AC runner 3 Anthony O’Reilly 00:20:40 Full results here: Johnstown Parkrun #118 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Anthony Dowd 1 00:17:59 18 Michelle Langan 1 00:21:28 Crusaders AC runner 27 Donal Foley 00:22:04 Full results here: Shanganagh Parkrun #115 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Joe Cawley 1 00:17:29 27 Ciara Carter 1 00:23:35 Crusaders AC runners 21 Mike Stewart 00:22:08 110 Orlaith de Burca 00:33:21 (44) Full results here: Cabinteely Parkrun #114 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Barry Thornton 1 00:18:23 12 Cristin Scollard 1 00:22:30 Crusaders AC runners 2 David Carter 00:19:49 29 Colm Foley 00:23:47 Full results here: Father Collins Parkrun #89 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Alan Foley 1 00:18:01 14 Margaret McCreavy 1 00:22:56 Crusaders AC runner 33 Darina Scully 00:26:50 (4) Full results here: Castlehaven Parkrun #73 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Yvonne Macauley 1 00:21:03 2 unknown 1 00:21:06 Crusaders AC runner 1 Yvonne Macauley 00:21:03 (1) Full results here: Marlay Parkrun #212 Overall Place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Stephen O'Donnell 1 00:17:27 12 Ciara Hickey 1 00:19:04 Crusaders AC runner 39 Lesley-Ann Doughan 00:20:45 (2) Full results here: Bushy Dublin Parkrun #15 Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Charlie McGovern 1 00:18:04 12 Stephanie Bergin 1 00:21:31 Crusaders AC runners 2 James Cahill 00:18:15 59 Mairead Cashman 00:28:16 (15) Full results here: Comments are closed.