![]() It was a relatively quiet week and weekend on the racing front, with no major events, either track or on the roads, taking place in the country. There were, however, a couple of short distance road races over the weekend on which to report. The first was in Co. Cavan on a north-south oriented loop just north of Cavan town. The event was the Run with Catherina 5k, an annual celebration in favour of Catherina McKiernan, a Cavan native, a race in which she also participates, this year placing 12th overall in a field of 251 and a close 2nd female finisher in a time of 18:55. The female winner, 13-year old Aurelia Crotty, placed 11th overall in 18:47. We had one runner in the race. Ronan Smith, also a man from the lakes, placed 24th in 19:24 in excellent race conditions with a gentle breeze from the south on a clockwise course that had a hilly challenge in the middle with a downhill finish. On Sunday, Ciaran Diviney ran in his native Cork. This time the event was the Bweeng Trail Blazer 5k south of Mallow. In a field of 292 on a lightly undulating largely out-and-back course that started and finished on a downhill, but which involved runners heading into a strong headwind on the return (25kph from the SW). Ciaran placed 9th overall and 1st in his M50 age category in a super time of 16:24. Further afield, the enterprising Kevin Kavanagh headed to Latvia for the weekend to take part in the Riga half marathon. Along with several other members of the club, Kevin is currently training for the Edinburgh half at the end of the month and was going to treat this weekend’s race as a training run. However, his competitive juices came into play early on and Kevin surprised himself with a massive PB. Placing 39th in a field of around 3,500, Kevin finished in a super 1:20:33. The city streets race was conducted on relatively flat terrain and had a good few twists and turns, but conditions were otherwise reasonably helpful in a chilly temperature (3 degrees Celsius) and a light breeze. Elsewhere, Esther Requena Ferri and Cristian Vilchez Ceballos, our Spanish exiles, ran in the Alhaurin de la Torre 10k, in the hinterland just south of Malaga, with Esther winning the women’s race in 41:58 and Cristian completing the course in 37:50. Over in the US, our NY-based exile Damien O’Brien ran in the Newport 5k in Jersey City, New Jersey, where he finished in a time of 18:22. There was also a race organised by IMRA midweek. It was part of the Leinster Trail league and took place on the Ardgillan Demesne near Balbriggan in north County Dublin on Wednesday evening. There were lots of twists and turns on the rolling hills with a scenic beach section in the middle. Most of the climb of 190m on a race of 9k came from leaving the beach to return home. In a field of 141, Jason Kehoe placed 16th in 39:56 and he was followed by Paul McNamara (25th in 41:29) and Ian Clifford (72nd in 50:45). Numbers were generally lower than normal in the parkruns around the country on Saturday morning, but we still had a decent participation, with, as usual, some first finishers and podium places. Ross Neill finished ahead of the field of 383 in Ormeau Park in Belfast in a time of 17:35, whilst Rebecca Fleming was also a first finisher in Castletown. Rebecca placed 9th overall in a field of 183 and in a time of 21:37. Our female runners really shone in Poolbeg. They took all the podium places there. Ciara Regan placed 9th and 1st female across the line in a field of 152 and in a time of 19:44. Ciara was followed by Anna Hoesl (18th and 2nd in 20:44) and Carmel Cooney (19th and 3rd in 20:45) just behind. Ahead of them in Poolbeg came Stephen Hurley (3rd in 18:05) and Michael Wycherley (in 4th place once again, in 18:39). Further back came Kieran Finucane (23rd in 21:03), Isabelle Cairns (31st and 5th in 21:39), Sharon Woods (45th and 8th in 23:09), Franky Keane (51st in 23:43), James Bradshaw (58th in 24:12), Paul F. Kelly (81st in 26:38), Maureen McGinley (89th and 24th in 27:45), Djinn von Noorden (94th and 28th in 28:21), Niamh Trihy (129th and 49th in 34:28) and Mari Hansen (131st and 51st in 34:55). We also had a first finisher in River Valley Park. Darina Scully joined 69 other runners, placing 16th and 1st in 24:06, whilst Kevin Lambe and Kate Murray both found themselves on the rostrum in Mullingar. In a field of 88, Kevin placed 3rd in 20:02, followed by Kate who placed 16th and 2nd in 23:35. Another podium place was recorded by Susanne English in Oldbridge, where, in a field of 70, she placed 29th and 3rd in 26:46, whilst Rob Glascott took 5th spot in Brickfields in a field of 79. Rob’s time was 20:11. Other good results came from Shanganagh, where Dee Lawlor also placed 5th in 19:19. In a field of 196, Dee was followed by Dave Carter hot on his heels (6th in 19:29) and then by Carina Davidson (109th and 35th in 27:56), Orlaith de Burca (139th and 52nd in 29:18) and Niamh Quinn (162nd and 71st in 31:30). We had 3 runners in Griffeen Park among the participation of 167 runners. John Lohan placed 21st in 21:36 and he was followed by Colm Foley (46th in 23:29) and by Tara Murphy (59th and 7th in 25:01). Andy Deuser ran alongside 167 other runners in Fairview, taking 17th spot in 22:13, whilst Helena O’Keeffe ran once again in Tramore Valley, Cork, placing 57th and 15th in 25:24. We had 8 runners in Cabinteely, some of them celebrating Máirín Shine’s 250th parkrun. The contingent, in a field of 142, were led home by Julian Callan who took 46th place in 25:28. Julian was followed by Stephen Mulligan (86th in 29:40), Tanja Narancic (90th and 26th in 30:24), Mairead Cashman (96th and 29th in 30:56), Máirín (114th and 39th in 34:17) alongside daughter Fiona (115th and 40th in the same time). Anna and Lisa Shine were just a second or two back, with Anna placing 116th and 41st in 34:18 and Lisa (117th and 42nd in 34:19). Finally, Kevin Flynn ran 37:12 in Porterstown where he placed 45th in a field of 63. Run with Catherina 5k (251) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Conan McCaughey 1 00:14:59 11 Aurelia Crotty 1 00:18:47 Crusaders AC runner 24 Ronan Smith 00:19:24 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/kingspan_run_with_catherina_5k/4796/results Bweeng Trail Blazer 5k (292) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Eric Curran 1 00:15:34 21 Niamh Moore 1 00:17:15 Crusaders AC runner 9 Ciaran Diviney 00:16:24 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/bweeng_trail_blazers_5k_2023/4768/results IMRA Ardgillan 9k (141) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mark McAdden 1 00:35:39 14 Caoimhe Daniels 1 00:39:14 Crusaders AC runner 16 Jason Kehoe 00:39:56 25 Paul McNamara 00:41:29 72 Ian Clifford 00:50:45 Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2300/ Ormeau Parkrun (383) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ross Neill 1 00:17:35 27 Amy Warke 1 00:20:50 Crusaders AC runner 1 Ross Neill 00:17:35 Griffeen Parkrun (167) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sarah MacMahon 1 00:17:51 2 Noel Conroy 1 00:17:58 Crusaders AC runner 21 John Lohan 00:21:36 46 Colm Foley 00:23:29 59 Tara Murphy 00:25:01 (7) Oldbridge Parkrun (70) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Micheal Tallon 1 00:18:14 20 Cara Donnelly 1 00:24:29 Crusaders AC runner 29 Susanne English 00:26:46 (3) Shanganagh Parkrun (196) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Tom Moran 1 00:18:44 3 Sarah Baryga 1 00:18:46 Crusaders AC runners 5 Derek Lawlor 00:19:19 6 David Carter 00:19:29 109 Carina Davidson 00:27:56 (35) 139 Orlaith de Burca 00:29:18 (52) 162 Niamh Quinn 00:31:30 (71) Fairview Parkrun (168) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Michael Lynch 1 00:17:47 38 Jane Fallon Griffin 1 00:24:24 Crusaders AC runner 17 Andy Deuser 00:22:13 River Valley Parkrun (70) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Luke Moore 1 00:20:11 16 Darina Scully 1 00:24:06 Crusaders AC runner 16 Darina Scully 00:24:06 (1) Castletown Parkrun (183) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Niall Sherlock 1 00:17:53 9 Rebecca Fleming 1 00:21:37 Crusaders AC runner 9 Rebecca Fleming 00:21:37 (1) Poolbeg Parkrun (152) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ashley Hayes 1 00:17:43 9 Ciara Regan 1 00:19:44 Crusaders AC runners 3 Stephen Hurley 00:18:05 4 Michael Wycherley 00:18:39 9 Ciara Regan 00:19:44 (1) 18 Anna Hoesl 00:20:44 (2) 19 Carmel Cooney 00:20:45 (3) 23 Kieran Finucane 00:21:03 31 Isabelle Cairns 00:21:39 (5) 45 Sharon Woods 00:23:09 (8) 51 Franky Keane 00:23:43 58 James Bradshaw 00:24:12 81 Paul F. Kelly 00:26:38 89 Maureen McGinley 00:27:45 (24) 94 Djinn von Noorden 00:28:21 (28) 129 Niamh Trihy 00:34:28 (49) 131 Mari Hansen 00:34:55 (51) Tramore Valley Parkrun (145) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Gabin Bremenson 1 00:17:55 19 Sarah Treacy 1 00:21:48 Crusaders AC runner 57 Helena O’Keeffe 00:25:24 (15) Brickfields Parkrun (79) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Daragh Campbell 1 00:18:24 17 Eva Kennedy 1 00:23:41 Crusaders AC runner 5 Rob Glascott 00:20:11 Cabinteely Parkrun (142) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Terek 1 00:19:55 4 Derval Devaney 1 00:21:06 Crusaders AC runners 46 Julian Callan 00:25:28 86 Stephen Mulligan 00:29:40 90 Tanja Narancic 00:30:24 (26) 96 Mairead Cashman 00:30:56 (29) 114 Máirín Shine 00:34:17 (39) 115 Fiona Shine 00:34:17 (40) 116 Anna Shine 00:34:18 (41) 117 Lisa Shine 00:34:19 (42) Mullingar Parkrun (88) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Griffin Kearney 1 00:18:31 9 Elaine Plunkett 1 00:21:28 Crusaders AC runners 3 Kevin Lambe 00:20:02 16 Kate Murray 00:23:35 (2) Porterstown Parkrun (63) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Rafal Wasyl 1 00:19:50 2 Caroline McCarthy 1 00:20:25 Crusaders AC runner 45 Kevin Flynn 00:37:12 Comments are closed.