![]() TThe weekend was one of major contrasts. Rain in biblical quantities fell on Saturday morning, as well as in the late afternoon, whilst, after a chilly start, Sunday saw brilliant sunshine in the afternoon. It was, otherwise, a reasonably quiet weekend for road racing locally. As luck would have it, the first BHAA road race, the DCC mixed 4-miler, swelled by the ranks of the Lord Mayor’s 5-Alive Series, took place on the puddled asphalt of St. Anne’s Raheny on Saturday morning. It seemed, nevertheless to be an enjoyable event. At least there was little wind on the largely flat looped course with a short out-and-back element to it. There was some quality in the race too, with the winner, Ieuan Hopkins recording a great time of 20:14, followed by George Snee, 20 seconds back. In the field of 222 runners, there was some decent depth to the women’s field too. The women’s race was won by Siobhán Eviston in 23:04, just ahead of Sarah Mulligan (23:16) and Sinead Lambe (23:33). We had at least 8 Crusaders in the event and recorded some great results. Karl Walsh led the club home in 28th place (25:18 and 4th M45) and he was followed by Adrienne Jordan, making a welcome return to competitive running (32nd overall, 4th female finisher and winner of the F45 category). Adrienne was followed by Cormac Fenton (36th in 26:10) and by Neil Brown (57th in 27:57), Robbie Moore (63rd in 28:43), Tony Hackett (70th in 29:09), Kate Murray (76th, 16th and 1st F50) and by Olwyn Dunne (80th, 18th and 4th F55). On Sunday, Yvonne Macauley ran in her native Belfast. The event was the Titanic 10k, which she had intended to run easy but the competitive spirit understandably got the better of her and she won the race in a super time of 38:24. The course was largely flat conducted in calm conditions on a loop with an-out-and-back element along the Lagan as it flows into Belfast Lough at the port. The field measured 762 in total. Across the UK and the continent over the weekend we had Crusaders appearing in various events. We had at least 4 appear in the Paris marathon, which appeared to have been unspoilt by demonstrations and apparently the uncollected rubbish that had been building up in the streets over the past few weeks because of a strike by refuse collectors had likely been cleared away. In what was possibly her first marathon, our London-based exile, Kate O’Malley, excelled herself with a time of 2:58:01 and she was followed by Brandon Lai who recorded 3:12:07 on the back of little preparation for the race. Next came Chloé Leygnac who completed the distance in 4:05:51 and Chloé was followed home not too far back by Kevin Kenny (4:06:52). In the UK, Conor Parle and Joe O’Reilly ran in coastal marathons. Conor ran in the Brighton marathon where he finished in 3:49. Meanwhile, Joe took part in the Great Welsh marathon conducted on an out-and-back course from west to east just south of Carmarthen to near Llanelli and back. Joe completed the distance in 5:27. Rory Goldsmith ran a highly satisfying 1:23:49 in the Berlin Half marathon, whilst another of our UK exiles, Thom Martini, ran in the Southampton Half marathon where he ran 1:38. Even further afield, Maurice Kelter, one of our Australia-based recent exiles, came across a local half marathon whilst doing a long training run and decided to join in. He actually finished 2nd in the Sri Chinmoy XC half, which looped around Centennial park in Sydney, in a time of 1:22:30! The course was reportedly as waterlogged and muddy as it would have been here in Ireland. Mention should be made of Isabelle Cairns’ feat in coming third in the women’s race in the first duathlon of the season. Isabelle had to compete in a run-bike run (5k,19k,3k) in and around Kilkenny. The rain appears to have had a major impact on the general turnout in parkruns locally on Saturday morning. A lot of the courses would have been thoroughly waterlogged and not particularly inviting. Nevertheless, we did have some runners who took part, with some good results as usual. We had at least 3 first finishers in Caroline Crowley, Ciara Regan and Sarah Lyons. Caroline ran in Marlay Park where she placed 10th overall in a field of 274 and in a time of 19:39. Caroline was followed by Lisa Shine (60th and 7th in 23:37), Fiona Shine (62nd and 9th in 23:40) and by her fiancé Eoghan Corrigan (98th in 25:12) pushing a buggy. Then, in Poolbeg, Ciara recorded a likely PB in placing 12th overall in 19:59. She was the first Crusader home in a field of 109 and was followed by Josie Ward (38th and 6th in 23:39), Russell Murphy (41st in 23:59), Fiona Bane (43rd and 7th in 24:02), Séamas Bulaeir (45th in 24:26), Kenan Furlong, pacing the 25 minutes finishers (55th in 25:10), Gillian Curran (62nd and 17th in 26:22), Maureen McGinley (89th and 37th in 30:14) and Tara Murphy, tailwalking. Sarah ran in Wendover Woods near her home town of Aylesbury, where, in a field of 139, she placed 13th overall in a time of 23:33. Máirín Shine joined 33 others in running in Strokestown, where she placed 10th and 4th in 30:08, whilst Toby Benham ran in Worthing, on England’s Channel coast, where, in a field of 275 he placed 6th in 17:55. Colm Foley joined 120 other participants in Griffeen Park, where he placed 34th in 23:47, whilst Kevin Flynn ran 41:47 in Naas for 96th place in a field of 104. Garret Dunne made a rare foray into parkrunning with a 20th place in Tymon in a time of 24:26 and in field of 78, whilst John Rooney took part in the Sligo parkrun, where, in a field 81 strong, he placed 10th in 24:10. Darina Scully placed 27th and 11th in the field of 57 in River Valley, whilst we had 3 runners in Shanganagh. Dee Lawler paced a member of his family there, finishing in 23:41 for 35th place, and he was followed by Niamh Quinn (104th and 33rd in 31:44) and by Carina Davidson (108th and 34th in 33:51). BHAA DCC 4-mile mixed road race (222) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ieuan Hopkins 1 00:20:14 13 Siobhán Eviston 1 00:23:04 Crusaders AC runners 28 Karl Walsh 00:25:18 32 Adrienne Jordan 00:25:40 (4) 36 Cormac Fenton 00:26:10 57 Neil Brown 00:27:57 63 Robbie Moore 00:28:43 70 Anthony Hackett 00:29:09 76 Kate Murray 00:29:26 (16) 680 Olwyn Dunne 00:29:44 (18) Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/DCC%20Lord%20Mayor%20Series%204%20miles%20result.pdf Titanic Quarter 10k (762) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Conor Bradley 1 00:29:20 58 Yvonne Macauley 1 00:38:24 Crusaders AC runner 58 Yvonne Macauley 00:38:24 (1) Full results here: https://www.championchipireland.com/index.html#results Griffeen Parkrun (121) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Nuno Santos 1 00:18:50 8 Breda Smyth 1 00:20:53 Crusaders AC runner 34 Colm Foley 00:23;47 Marlay Parkrun (274) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Philip Simpson 1 00:17:55 10 Caroline Crowley 1 00:19:39 Crusaders AC runners 10 Caroline Crowley 00:19:39 (1) 60 Lisa Shine 00:23:37 (7) 62 Fiona Shine 00:23:40 (9) 98 Eoghan Corrigan 00:25:12 Naas Parkrun (104) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 David Browne 1 00:17:32 6 Vikki Browne 1 00:19:37 Crusaders AC runner 96 Kevin Flynn 00:41:47 Shanganagh Parkrun (123) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Darragh Flynn 1 00:17:03 15 Sarah Baryga 1 00:21:36 Crusaders AC runners 35 Derek Lawlor 00:23:41 104 Niamh Quinn 00:31:44 (33) 108 Carina Davidson 00:33:51 (34) Tymon Parkrun (78) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Paul Nagle 1 00:19:01 16 Fiona Craddock 1 00:23:44 Crusaders AC runner 20 Garret Dunne 00:24:26 River Valley Parkrun (57) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Calum Hardie 1 00:21:43 2 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:57 Crusaders AC runner 27 Darina Scully 00:26:53 (11) Sligo Parkrun (81) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Christopher O’Reilly 1 00:17:29 8 Sinead Evans 1 00:22:54 Crusaders AC runner 10 John Rooney 00:24:10 Poolbeg Parkrun (109) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Dermot Kenny 1 00:16:11 12 Ciara Regan 1 00:19:59 Crusaders AC runners 12 Ciara Regan 00:19:59 (1) 38 Josie Ward 00:23:39 (6) 41 Russell Murphy 00:23:59 43 Fiona Bane 00:24:02 (7) 45 Séamas Bulaeir 00:24:26. 55 Kenan Furlong 00:25:10 62 Gillian Curran 00:26:22 (17) 89 Maureen McGinley 00:30:14 (37) 109 Tara Murphy 00:51:53 Strokestown Parkrun (34) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Frank Murphy 1 00:21:15 4 Jacinta Ní Choghaile 1 00:23:25 Crusaders AC runner 10 Máirín Shine 00:30:08 (4) Comments are closed.