![]() With what felt like gale-force westerly winds prevailing on both days, along with rain in places, conditions for racing outdoors this weekend were atrocious. Nevertheless, everyone was delighted to be out running both cross country with the iconic BHAA Garda races on the hills in Phoenix Park and on the country roads around Trim and Dungarvan. Indeed, one has waited for a quality 10-mile race all of last year and, like the proverbial bus, two come along on the same day. We start with the cross-country races organised by the BHAA on Saturday morning. The event took place on familiar territory for those Crusaders who usually train with the club on Saturdays, to such an extent training on the day was moved to the Khyber Pass so as not to interfere with the races. As is often with the BHAA, there were two races organised, and, as has been the case in recent years, the fields for this particular event have been slightly swollen from the norm with the inclusion of the Lord Mayor’s 5 Alive Challenge runners and walkers. This was particularly evident in the women’s 2-mile race, which involved 2 laps of the usual Saturday morning loop. The field measured 174 participants, with the 5 Crusaders, who took part, all coming home inside the top 30 finishers. They were led home by Niamh Corby who found herself running alone for most of the race and placing 3rd overall in an excellent time, given the windy conditions, of 13:57. Amy McGuinness was next in 12th place in a time of 15:36, followed by Kate Murray who placed 14th in a time of 15:39 and also taking first place as an F45. Marta Imaz followed, in 26th place, in a time of 16:44 and the contingent was completed by Olwyn Dunne, loosening out for the Trim 10-miler the following day. Olwyn took 29th spot in a time of 16:51 and bringing home a prize for 3rd F55. Members may also be interested to note that Hilary McGee, who trains with us on Saturdays, also ran, finishing in 13th place, just behind Amy, in a time of 15:37. There were fewer Lord Mayor’s challenge runners in the mixed 4-mile race that followed an hour later and the field as a consequence was smaller than the 2-mile race, with 134 runners. Unsurprisingly, however, we had 15 Crusaders in the race, with Michael Kiely, as usual, leading our contingent home in 2nd place in a time of 22:41, 15 seconds behind race winner Mark Ryan. The race involved one short loop and then two longer ones which took the runners on a path parallel with the Khyber Pass, closer to the Acres Road and the Papal Cross, and as luck would have it, the heavens began to open as the gun went. John Mulvihill followed Michael home in 7th place and a time of 23:45 and John was followed by Daniel Lowe in 8th in 24:04. Men’s captain Ciaran Diviney was not too far behind, placing 10th and 1st M45 in 24:14. The next Crusader across the line was Frank Hague, another winner of an age category, this time the M40, placing 13th overall in 24:52. Ruben Vega, in a baptism of fire, was next, placing 16th in 25:11, with Joe McDermott hard on his heels in 17th spot, just 4 seconds back (25:15). Joe was followed by Henry Griffin in 24th in a time of 26:21, with Karl Walsh running 27:34 in 45th. Birthday celebrant Alan Kavanagh was next with a time of 29:59 for 69th place and he was followed by Robbie Moore (75th in 30:20), Patrick Needham (90th in 32:14), making a welcome return to racing, Martin Jones (98th in 33:07) and Mike McGovern (102nd in 34:06). Brendan Glynn also started the race but was unfortunately forced out after falling trying to avoid a child spectator who ran onto the course. As mentioned, Sunday saw two quality 10-mile road races, both of which likely having sold out within hours of opening for registration. Down in Co. Waterford we had 8 runners in the John Treacy Dungarvan 10-mile race, which involved one large largely flat loop in wet and windy conditions. Well over 100 runners, in the field of 2,430, finished inside or around the hour mark, including 4 of our clubmates. They were led home by Vinnie McGuinness in 46th place and a time of 57:51. Next came Ger Forde and Michael O’Conor more or less side by side in 60:03-04 as they paced visually-impaired runner Declan Ryan, a runner from Thurles who trains with the club. Ger placed 104th, Michael 106th, with Declan, 105th. Another runner making a welcome return to racing was Alban Coughlan who placed 115th in 60:34 and Alban was followed by Gill Earley (545th overall and 45th female finisher in 71:12), Dee Ni Chearbhaill (730th and 85th in 74:07), Barry O’Neill (1,179th in 80:55) and Mairead Cashman (1,940th and 603rd in 94:26). Members may be interested to learn that Sean Murphy, who trains with us, placed 237th in 64:21. Northwest of Dublin’s fair city, the other 10-mile road race on offer was held on the country roads around Trim in Co. Meath, again involving another largely flat one loop course held in cold and blustery conditions. We had 7 Crusaders in this race which enjoyed a field of 1,507 finishers. Adrienne Jordan approached the race as a tempo run, since she is deep in preparation for the Seville marathon towards the end of the month. Even so, Adrienne produced a super result of 61:54 for 89th place overall (9th woman and 3rd F45). John McAuley was just behind (91st in 61:59) and slightly further back came Kenan Furlong (104th in 62:27). The contingent was completed by Liz Nixon (788th and 208th in 83:34), Maria Kennedy (916th and 277th in 87:36), Brian Langton (979th in 88:17) and Olwyn Dunne (1,023rd and 355th in 89:28 as she paced the 90 minutes runners). A result that was missed over the past two weeks was that of our men’s indoor track and field team who took part in the second session of the indoor league. We had just 4 athletes taking part, two on the track and two in the field. At the end of the day the team was lying in 9th place for that session on 37 points. Kieron White placed 4th in a field of 13 clubs in the 1500m in a time of 4:02.90, whilst Fearghal O’Hare took on the 400m, placing 2nd in the second heat of three, for 8th overall in a time of 51.18. In the field, Shane Keane competed in the triple jump where he placed 6th with a leap of 11.74m and Hugo Magee attempted the high jump bowing out after jumping 1.5m, to take 8th place. It’s not clear what the outcome is in terms of making the final, but that will probably become evident soon enough. Finally, we turn to Saturday morning’s parkruns, where we had a number of first finishers again. Aine Crotty headed to Kilkenny with fiancé Cian Coughlan. Aine placed 8th and 1st in a time of 20:40. In a field of 142, Cian took 9th spot in 20:48. Then, in the 92-strong field of Fairview, Thomas Vogee ran 19:14 leading home the entire field which included Hannah Jones (49th and 15th in 28:09). Fiona Shine and Louise Dobbyn ran well in Cabinteely. In a field of 153, Fiona was 11th and 1st in 22:18, with Louise 19th and 2nd in 23:32. Gillian Lyons placed 16th and 2nd in the 30-strong field in Clonakilty and a time of 28:48, whilst Lisa Shine took 24th and 4th spots in 23:54 in Limerick. Also, among the 109 runners, was Mairin Shine who ran 29:14 for 69th and 18th places. We had 13 runners in the 141-strong field in Poolbeg. They were led home by Cristian Vilchez Ceballos (2nd in 17:52) and Cristian was followed by Stephen Hurley (3rd in 18:45), Neil Monahan (9th in 19:52), Simon Everard (14th in 20:08), Kenan Furlong (26th in 21:59) on the eve of his 10-mile effort, Sharon Woods (34th and 3rd in 22:31), Russell Murphy (38th in 23:03), John Lohan (40th in 23:08) just behind, Josie Ward (67th and 10th in 25:41), Tara Murphy (79th and 16th in 26:22), Maureen McGinley (81st and 17th in 26:30), Gillian Curran (83rd and 19th in 26:39) and Mari Hansen (135th and 45th in 34:14). On a trip to Manchester, Michael Wycherley took part in 443-strong field in Stretford where he placed 11th in 18:00, whilst Orlaith de Burca ran in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris where, in a field of 49, she placed 31st and 9th in 30:24. Deirdre Kennedy ran in Malahide. In the field of 272, Deirdre placed 152nd and 34th in 28:10, whilst, in Ballincollig, Helena O’Keeffe took 110th and 18th spots in 25:28, amongst 350 runners. In River Valley Park, Brian Scanlan joined 99 other participants, placing 10th in 23:14, whilst Padraig Walsh joined 58 others in Templemore to finish in a time of 21:49 for 9th place. Mairead Cashman prepared for her run in Dungarvan by joining 73 other runners in Glen River, where she placed 40th and 16th in 30:24, whilst Luke Haran ran in Mungret Park, placing 15th in 22:16 and a field of 78. In St. Anne’s, Raheny, Brian Kelleher took 12th place in 20:24 and he was followed, in the field of 380, by Paul F. Kelly (109th in 24:37) and Aoife Kelly (316th and 68th in 28:34). Stephen Mulligan was first across the line for Crusaders in 40th place in Shanganagh with its field 177 and in a time of 23:35. He was joined by Carina Davidson (63rd and 9th in 25:44) and Jill Nason (127th and 45th in 30:38). Lastly, Colm Foley ran in Killarney where, in a field of 134, he took 17th spot in 22:26. As usual, please let us know of any errors or omissions. Thanks. BHAA Garda 2-mile XC (174) Overall place Name Guntime 1 Laura McDonnell 00:12:54 Crusaders AC runners 3 Niamh Corby 00:13:57 12 Amy McGuinness 00:15:36 14 Kate Murray 00:15:39 26 Marta Imaz 00:16:44 29 Olwyn Dunne 00:16:51 Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/Garda%20Cross%20Country%202%20Mile%20%26%204%20Mile%20Results%2C%202022.pdf BHAA Garda 4-mile XC (134) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mark Ryan 1 00:22:26 120 Jennifer Doyle 1 00:37:42 Crusaders AC runners 2 Michael Kiely 00:22:41 7 John Mulvihill 00:23:45 8 Daniel Lowe 00:24:04 10 Ciaran Diviney 00:24:14 13 Frank Hague 00:24:52 16 Ruben Vega 00:25:11 17 Joe McDermott 00:25:15 45 Karl Walsh 00:27:34 69 Alan Kavanagh 00:29:59 75 Robbie Moore 00:30:20 90 Patrick Needham 00:32:14 98 Martin Jones 00:33:07 102 Michael McGovern 00:34:06 Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/Garda%20Cross%20Country%202%20Mile%20%26%204%20Mile%20Results%2C%202022.pdf Trim 10 mile (1507) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Martin Hoare 1 00:50:45 11 Aoife Kilgallon 1 00:55:41 Crusaders AC runners 89 Adrienne Jordan 01:01:54 (9) 91 John McAuley 01:01:59 104 Kenan Furlong 01:02:27 788 Liz Nixon 01:23:34 (208) 916 Maria Kennedy 01:27:36 (277) 979 Brian Langton 01:28:17 1023 Olwyn Dunne 01:29:28 (335) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/trim-10-mile-2022/ Dungarvan 10-mile race (2430) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Hugh Armstrong 1 00:48:51 14 Aoife Cooke 1 00:54:19 Crusaders AC runners 46 Vinnie McGuinness 00:57:51 104 Ger Forde 01:00:03 106 Michael O’Conor 01:00:04 115 Alban Coughlan 01:00:34 545 Gillian Earley 01:11:12 (45) 730 Dee Ni Chearbhaill 01:14:07 (85) 1179 Barry O’Neill 01:20:55 1940 Mairead Cashman 01:34:26 (603) Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/john_treacy_dungarvan_10/4233/results IMRA Brockagh Burst 6k race (154) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Eamonn Dunne 1 00:18:25 2 Annette Kealy 1 00:18:36 Crusaders AC runner 152 Deirdre Kennedy 00:28:10 (34) Clonakilty Parkrun (30) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Micheal Ó Sé 1 00:19:14 14 Lucy Cronin 1 00:28:27 Crusaders AC runner 16 Gillian Lyons 00:28:48 (2) Kilkenny Parkrun (142) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Stephen Hunter 1 00:16:53 8 Aine Crotty 1 00:20:40 Crusaders AC runners 8 Aine Crotty 00:20:40 (1) 9 Cian Coughlan 00:20:48 Limerick Parkrun (109) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 John Whittaker 1 00:19:00 5 Caitriona Farrell 1 00:20:14 Crusaders AC runner 24 Lisa Shine 00:23:54 (4) 69 Mairin Shine 00:29:14 (18) Ballincollig Parkrun (350) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Barry Donovan 1 00:16:21 8 Teresa Murphy 1 00:19:30 Crusaders AC runner 110 Helena O’Keeffe 00:25:28 (18) Fairview Parkrun (92) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Thomas Vogee 1 00:19:14 11 Miriam Kearney 1 00:22:59 Crusaders AC runners 1 Thomas Vogee 00:19:14 49 Hannah Jones 00:28:09 (15) Templemore Parkrun (59) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Alex Crowley 1 00:18:41 8 Eileen McCullagh 1 00:20:41 Crusaders AC runner 9 Padraig Walsh 00:21;49 St. Anne’s Parkrun (380) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Karl Fleming 1 00:16:30 3 Catherina McKiernan 1 00:18:13 Crusaders AC runners 12 Brian Kelleher 00:20:24 109 Paul F. Kelly 00:24:37 216 Aoife Kelly 00:28:34 (68) Cabinteely Parkrun (153) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Killian Mooney 1 00:16:45 11 Fiona Shine 1 00:22:18 Crusaders AC runners 11 Fiona Shine 00:22:18 (1) 19 Louise Dobbyn 00:23:32 (2) Poolbeg Parkrun (141) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Damian Bourke 1 00:17:39 10 Miranda Spencer 1 00:19:54 Crusaders AC runners 2 Cristian Vilchez Ceballos 00:17:52 3 Stephen Hurley 00:18:45 9 Neil Monahan 00:19:52 14 Simon Everard 00:20:08 26 Kenan Furlong 00:21:59 34 Sharon Woods 00:22:31 (3) 38 Russell Murphy 00:23:03 40 John Lohan 00:23:08 67 Josie Ward 00:25:41 (10) 79 Tara Murphy 00:26:22 (16) 81 Maureen McGinley 00:26:30 (17) 83 Gillian Curran 00:26:39 (19) 135 Mari Hansen 00:34:14 (45) Mungret Parkrun (78) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Emer O’Mahony 1 00:20:35 2 Brian Halpin 1 00:20:49 Crusaders AC runner 15 Luke Haran 00:22:16 Shanganagh Parkrun (177) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ben Mitchell 1 00:17:41 4 Holly O’Brien 1 00:18:57 Crusaders AC runners 40 Stephen Mulligan 00:23:35 63 Carina Davidson 00:25:44 (9) 127 Jill Nason 00:30:38 (45) Killarney Parkrun (134) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Seamus Connolly 1 00:19:27 21 Siobhan Daly 00:22:35 Crusaders AC runner 17 Colm Foley 00:22:26 Glen River Parkrun (74) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Anita Locke 1 00:20:53 2 Carlo Scaglia 1 00:21:28 Crusaders AC runner 40 Mairead Cashman 00:30:24 (16) Comments are closed.