![]() It was another busy week of racing on all surfaces and from short to long distance, involving many of our clubmates. As usual, we start with activity on the track, which this week was all about the 3rd graded meet of the season in Dublin, on Wednesday evening held in Tallaght. In windy conditions, Amy McGuinness tackled her first competitive 400m, placing 6th in the grade B event in a time of 67.60, whilst Aoife Quigley was also taking on the mile for the first time in a competitive environment. Because several of the runners failed to make the start line, the race was an amalgam of A, B, C, and D grades, and Aoife’s result reflected her decision to have declared for the B race as she placed 2nd in the race behind the A graded runner and first B graded runner in a time of 5:43.39. We also had 3 male runners compete on the night. Charlie Bastow placed 2nd in a time of 51.61 in the men’s 400m grade B race, whilst Jan Manschot took 4th spot in the grade D mile event in a time of 5:22.12, with Paul E. Kelly in 10th place in the same race in a time of 7:42.78. At the weekend, we had a couple of athletes involved in the Leinster masters and U20 track and field championships held in SETU in Carlow. In the U20 competition Emily Lyne placed 3rd in the 400mH in a time of 69.43, whilst Sean Owens ran in both series 1 and 2 of the U20 men’s 110mH, where he placed 2nd on each occasion, in times of 14.46 and 14.23. The BHAA held its annual 5k beach race on Sandymount Strand on Tuesday evening. In an event that measured slightly short there were 94 runners in the two looped race. Karl Walsh placed 5th in 18:20 and he was followed by Ollie McGrath (7th in 18:38). Further back came Philip Matthews (33rd in 21:42), just ahead of Robbie Moore (34th in 21:45). On the same night, the 4th race in the Peugeot Race Series was held in Co. Meath, the Bob Heffernan and Mary Hanley 5k. We had at least 3 runners in the event which saw 200 runners break 18 minutes and 375 break 20 minutes. In a field of 743 participants Vinnie McGuinness placed 41st in 16:06, followed not too far behind by Ciarain Kelly (65th in 16:26) and then by Dee Ni Chearbhaill (454th and 84th in 21:01). Another race that took place on the same evening took place down in Co. Cork, under the auspices of the Cork BHAA. The John Buckley 5k involved a field in excess of 1,000 runners and involved at least two Crusaders. Toby Benham placed 60th in 16:58, followed by Gian Piero Allerta who placed 542 in 24:10. Members may be interested to know that Colm Parnell’s mother, Carmel, placed 472nd, but more importantly 1st F65, in a time of 23:04. Later in the week, on Friday evening, Ger Forde took part in the Naas AC 5-miler. On a reasonably flat course Ger placed 3rd with a PB time of 26.57. Over the weekend, there were plenty of road races on offer. Noel Carr ran a PB time of 1:44:36 in placing 14th in the 72-strong field in the North Clondalkin half marathon, whilst Brendan Glynn placed 111th in the 3rd running of the LSA 4-mile road race that took place on a scenic course in Donabate. Brendan’s time was 31:24 and he was accompanied by 368 other runners. Then, in Newry, Ciara Regan ran in the half marathon there where she placed 82nd and 3rd in a super PB time of 1:30:25 in a field of 704 participants. The annual lawyers’ races, the 6k and 10k events making up the Calcutta Run, took place on Saturday morning on courses involving Blackhall and the Phoenix Park. The 6k event, involving 621 runners, was won by Patrick W. Conlon in 19:54, followed by Stephen Hurley in 2nd place in 20:20. There may have been other Crusaders running, but results were listed by employer and so it was difficult to see if this might have been the case. The same goes for the 10k which involved 454 finishers. Diarmuid Fahey placed 70th in 45:31 in this race and Brendan Glynn crossed the line in 166th place in 51:23. Aoibhin O'Connor also ran in the 10k and her time was likely 45:17. Unfortunately, her result appears to have been placed in the 6k race by mistake and so her place was likely around 70th overall, but cannot be verified at this time. Further afield, on Friday evening Lukasz Batruch participated in the ZKB Hasli night run in Switzerland, where he completed the hilly (the race involved a climb and a descent) and muddy 10k in 40:36. Then, on Saturday, Dee Lawlor reported that he took part in an extremely tough 50k trail race in Transylvania in Romania, completing the event, which involved a climb of nearly 2,500m in around 8h42m. Our exiles in Spain, Esther Requena Ferri and Cristian Vilchez Ceballos ran in the Carrera de Algarrobo la Mayora in Algarrobo, southern Spain. The hilly trail race measuring about 8.4k was completed by Cristian in 33:36, whilst Esther placed 2nd in the women’s race in 35:41. We also had runners take part in both the half and full marathons held in association with the Edinburgh Marathon festival, on Sunday. Our exile in Edinburgh, Andrej Kujikis, ran 1:24:37 in the half marathon, and he was followed by Mark Browne in 1:50:14 and by Amy O’Donoghue, whose 1:56:14 was a 4-minute PB. In the full marathon, our Italian exile, Alessandro Nappi, ran 5:04:07. Finally, Kevin Kenny ran his 3rd marathon of the year whilst on a tour of North America. This time it was in Ottawa and Kevin completed it in 4:23. There were 2 races in the local mountains this week. On Wednesday evening 174 runners completed a circuit of Brockagh mountain near Glendalough in Co. Wicklow, in a 9.9k race in the Leinster League. In windy conditions, Becky Quinn was the first female across the line in 21st place overall and in a time of 52:49. Becky was followed by Ollie McGrath (31st and 4th M45 in 54:54) and then by Brian McGuckin (46th in 56:46), Ian Clifford (82nd in 62:59), Gavan Doherty (108th in 67:17) and Berndt Heim (172nd in 89:50). Amazingly, Becky won the women’s race again at the weekend in 25.5km event in the Leinster Championship. The race, the Circuit of Avonbeg, in Co. Wicklow,involved a loop of the Glenmalure Valley, taking in Clohernagh, Lugnachoille, Camenabologue, Lugduff and Mullacor. It was described as extreme, with a climb of 1,345m. In conditions which were at times hot and humid and then misty (with lots of midges), Becky placed 11th overall in a field of 28 in the championship. Despite all the races taking place over this period, involving Crusaders, there was still a good representation from the club in parkruns around the country. Ross Neill headed once again up to Belfast where, in the Ormeau parkrun, he placed 1st in 17:06 ahead of a field totalling 526. Then, Dee Ni Chearbhaill ran down in husband Sean Murphy’s native New Ross and they both headed their respective genders. Sean crossed the line first in 20:06 ahead of 73 other runners, with Dee placing first woman home, 4th overall, in 22:27. Elsewhere, Maria Kennedy ran once again in Kilkenny where, alongside 152 other participants, she placed 48th and 5th in 25:37, whilst Eoghan Corrigan also placed 5th in 20:30 in Corkagh Park with its field of 214. Not to be outdone, Mary Donnelly also placed 31st and 5th in 23:09 in the 200-strong field in Bushy Park. Our largest showing, not unexpectedly, was in Poolbeg, where we fielded at least 13 runners among the 236 who ran there. They were led home in 10th place by Mark Culleton, enjoying a last-minute shakeout before the Cork marathon next weekend. Mark ran 19:28, and he was followed by Adrian Groarke (14th in 20:02), Ronan Walsh (22nd in 20:42), Franky Keane (34th in 22:03), John Lohan (41st in 22:43), newcomer Claire Reidy (63rd and 8th in 24:02), Josie Ward (70th and 10th in 24:14), Gillian Curran (96th and 20th in 25:58), Piarais Neary (106th in 26:28), Fiona Bane (118th and 32nd in 27:52), Una McCullagh (145th and 50th in 29:55), Evelyn Neary (159th and 60th in 31:03) and Michael Fitzsimons (160th in 31:04). Shanganagh also enjoyed a decent Crusader presence. In a field of 212, the contingent was led home in 16th place by Padraig Walsh, running 21:34. Padraig was followed by Anna Shine (93rd and 22nd in 28:03), Fiona Shine (179th and 77th in 34:34), Máirín Shine (193rd and 86th in 44:33) and Orlaith de Burca, tailwalking. Darina Scully pushed her buggy once again around River Valley Park where, in a field of 156, she placed 73rd and 16th in 28:07, whilst, in Fairview Park, Hannah Jones placed 103rd and 17th in 28:52 in a field of 184 runners. Toby Benham headed to Cardiff where he placed 24th in a field of 674 and in a time of 19:18, whilst Paul F. and Aoife Kelly ran in Mile End in London, where, in a field of 466, Paul placed 112th in 23:14 and Aoife placed 243rd and 44th in 27:09. Also, in London, in Hoddesdon, Lisa Shine joined 122 other participants where she tailwalked. Back home, Diarmuid Byrne ran in the 174-strong field in Poppintree where he placed 54th in 27:00, whilst, in Killarney House, Maureen McGinley joined 143 other runners, placing 109th and 40th in 29:51. Meanwhile, Kevin Flynn placed 104th in 36:33 in the 128-strong field in Porterstown, whilst Phil Sykes took 51st spot in the 441-strong field in Marlay Park. Phil’s time was 22:30. Finally, Carina Davidson ran in Cabinteely alongside 152 other runners, where she placed 127th and 55th in 38:44. Bob Heffernan & Mary Hanley 5k (743) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Pierre Murchan 1 00:14:26 36 Emma McEvoy 1 00:15:59 Crusaders AC runners 41 Vinnie McGuinness 00:16:06 65 Ciarain Kelly 00:16:26 454 Deirdre Ni Chearbhaill 00:21:01 (84) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/bob-heffernan-mary-hanley-5k-road-race-2024/ Cork BHAA John Buckley 5k (1016) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Darragh Mulcahy 1 00:14:46 61 Sinead O’Connor 1 00:16:58 Crusaders AC runners 60 Toby Benham 00:16:58 542 Gian Piero Allerta 00:24:10 Full results here: https://www.corkbhaa.com/2024/05/21/john-buckley-5k-results-2024/ BHAA ESB 5k Beach race (94) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aidan Jones 1 00:17:03 2 Laura McDonnell 1 00:17:48 Crusaders AC runners 5 Karl Walsh 00:18:20 7 Ollie McGrath 00:18:38 33 Philip Matthews 00:21:42 34 Robbie Moore 00:21:45 Full results here: https://irp.cdn-website.com/15e8030f/files/uploaded/ESB_5k_2024_Results.pdf North Clondalkin Half marathon (72) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Bernard Geraghty 1 01:22:25 16 Faye Johnston 1 01:45:02 Crusaders AC runner 14 Noel Carr 01:44:36 (PB) Full results here: https://justrunsevents.ie/event-results/north-clondalkin-half-&-10k_results-half_2024-05-25 Calcutta Run 6k (621) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Patrick Conlon 1 00:19:54 8 Katie Nugent 1 00:24:05 Crusaders AC runners 1 Patrick Conlon 00:19:54 2 Stephen Hurley 00:20:20 Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/calcutta-run-2024/ Calcutta Run 10k (454) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Karl Fitzmaurice 1 00:32:58 22 Karla Doran 1 00:40:26 Crusaders AC runners XX Aoibhin O'Connor 00:45:17 70 Diarmuid Fahey 00:45:31 166 Brendan Glynn 00:51:23 Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/calcutta-run-2024/ Naas AC 5-miler (240) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Matthew Shirran 1 00:26:46 9 Niamh O’Connor 1 00:27:49 Crusaders AC runner 3 Ger Forde 00:26:57 (PB) Full results here: https://www.popupraces.ie/race/naas-ac-5-miler-centenary-edition/ LSA Peninsula 4-mile road race (369) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 David Rooney 1 00:20:15 29 Katie Halpin 100:26:45 Crusaders AC runner 111 Brendan Glynn 00:31:24 Full results here: https://www.myrunresults.com/events/lsa_peninsula_4_mile_road_race_2024/5061/results Newry AC Half Marathon (704) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Andy Nevin 1 01:11:22 47 Sinead Murtagh 1 01:27:27 Crusaders AC runner 82 Ciara Regan 01:30:25 (PB) (3) Full results here: https://www.championchipireland.com/index.html#results IMRA Brockagh 9.9k (174) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Daire Finn 1 00:42:40 21 Becky Quinn 1 00:52:49 Crusaders AC runners 21 Becky Quinn 00:52:49 (1) 31 Ollie McGrath 00:56:46 46 Brian McGuckin 00:54:54 40 Brian McGuckin 00:59:37 82 Ian Clifford 01:02:59 108 Gavan Doherty 01:07:17 172 Berndt Heim 01:29:50 Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2501 IMRA Circuit of Avonbeg 25.5k (28) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Peter Bell 1 02:59:06 11 Becky Quinn 1 03:24:11 Crusaders AC runner 11 Becky Quinn 03:24:11 (1) Full results here: https://www.imra.ie/events/results/id/2516 Kilkenny Parkrun (153) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Joe Bollard 1 00:19:28 8 Claire Phelan 1 00:22:07 Crusaders AC runner 48 Maria Kennedy 00:25:37 (5) Corkagh Parkrun (214) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Andrew Dunphy 1 00:18:46 23 Ciara Du Toit 1 00:23:51 Crusaders AC runners 5 Eoghan Corrigan 00:20:30 Shanganagh Parkrun (212) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Noel Mannion 1 00:18:07 13 Donna Quinn 1 00:21:03 Crusaders AC runners 16 Padraig Walsh 00:21:34 93 Anna Shine 00:28:03 (22) 179 Fiona Shine 00:34:34 (77) 193 Mairín Shine 00:44:33 (86) 212 Orlaith de Burca 00:58:31 Fairview Parkrun (184) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Scott McNally 1 00:19:35 19 Betty Bohane 1 00:21:39 Crusaders AC runner 103 Hannah Jones 00:28:52 (17) Poolbeg Parkrun (236) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Mark Hanlon 1 00:17:15 18 Ava Rose Clarke 1 00:20:24 Crusaders AC runners 10 Mark Culleton 00:19:28 14 Adrian Groarke 00:20:02 22 Ronan Walsh 00:20:42 34 Franky Keane 00:22:03 41 John Lohan 00:22:43 63 Claire Reidy 00:24:02 (8) 70 Josie Ward 00:24:14 (10) 96 Gillian Curran 00:25:58 106 Piarais Neary 00:26:28 118 Fiona Bane 00:27:52 (32) 145 Una McCullagh 00:29:55 (50) 159 Evelyn Neary 00:31:03 (60) 160 Michael Fitzsimons 00:31:04 Marlay Parkrun (441) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Matthew Meagan 1 00:17:31 15 Leah O’Neill 00:19:47 Crusaders AC runner 51 Phil Sykes 00:22:30 Bushy Parkrun (200) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Faye Dervan 1 00:18:24 2 Sean Savage 1 00:18:58 Crusaders AC runner 31 Mary Donnelly 00:23:09 (5) New Ross Parkrun (74) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Murphy 1 00:20:06 4 Deirdre Ni Chearbhaill 1 00:22:27 Crusaders AC runner 4 Deirdre Ni Chearbhaill 00:22:27 (1) Porterstown Parkrun (128) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Padraig MacCriostail 1 00:18:16 4 Siobhan Nugent 1 00:20:32 Crusaders AC runner 104 Kevin Flynn 00:36:13 River Valley Parkrun (156) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Viktoras Kuzminas 1 00:18:10 10 Cecile Ollagnier 1 00:21:53 Crusaders AC runner 73 Darina Scully 00:28:07(16) Ormeau Parkrun (526) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ross Neill 1 00:17:06 2 Dearbhla Cox 1 00:17:14 Crusaders AC runner 1 Ross Neill 00:17:06 Cabinteely Parkrun (153) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Neil Browne 1 00:18:42 26 Marie Therese McCoy 1 00:25:15 Crusaders AC runner 127 Carina Davidson 00:38:44 (55) Killarney Parkrun (144) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Yevhen Kurbanov 1 00:18:10 7 Rachel Hawker 1 00:20:05 Crusaders AC runner 109 Maureen McGinley 00:29:51 (40) Poppintree Parkrun (174) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Nicholas Gold 1 00:19:09 15 Aoife Begley 1 00:22:24 Crusaders AC runner 54 Diarmuid Byrne 00:27:00 Comments are closed.