Winning ways in the Donadea Half marathons and a great escape in the Art O’Neill Challenge15/1/2023
If you want a lot of people to sign up to half marathons in a forest in Kildare in deepest cold and dark January one way is to call the events the World Half Marathon festival. Similarly, if you want people to run a 60k ultramarathon overnight in the most wintry of conditions you give it the colourful background of the historic great escape of 3 prisoners from Dublin Castle! We had several runners in both events this weekend, loving every minute of it (perhaps!) but at least delighted to have completed the half- and ultra-marathon challenges. We start with the Art O’Neill Challenge, commemorating the escape of O’Neill, his brother Henry and Red Hugh O’Donnell in 1592. The original escape was reasonably successful, although Art succumbed to hypothermia (no surprise perhaps as they had no coats), whilst the other two lived to tell the tale. As an event it has been on the racing calendar since 2006. The Challenge requires runners in the Ultra (of whom there were 83 finishers this year) to navigate their way (unguided) through two checkpoints a distance of 60k from the city centre to the Kippure estate in Glenmalure deep in Co. Wicklow, with the race starting at 23:00 on Friday evening. On the night there were 90 retirees across the events on offer which consisted of the ultra (the toughest), the trek (walking all the way) and the hybrid (running on the 30k of road and then walking the mountain route). All had to cover 60k, except for a 4th event, introduced this year, which was called the “pursuit”. The distance in that race, all on roads, was 26k or so, reflecting the ultimately futile and unsuccessful pursuit by the castle wardens. We had participants in the ultra, the hybrid and the pursuit. Valentin Akdim and Raghnall O’Donoghue took on the ultra, with great success. Valentin finished up in 7th place in 7:33:42, just 40 minutes behind the winner and only 6 seconds behind 5th place as 3 runners came in close together. Raghnall also ran well to place 15th overall in 8:49:10. We had at least 4 runners in the hybrid. Tim O’Donnell literally only decided to run in the two days before the event and he placed 18th in that particular run/walk challenge in a time of 15:44:59. Just ahead of Tim came Barry Smith (16th in 14:59:56) and he was followed by Gerard Moore (20th in 15:50:15) and David Timoney (21st in 15:52:12). We also had a runner in the pursuit event. Kevin Kenny joined a field of 102, placing 62nd in 3:09:40, before heading up to Poolbeg to run in the parkrun there on Saturday morning! Over in Donadea in Co. Kildare, Kieran Little was a late entry into the first of the 3 half marathon races that were held there on Saturday morning, but he didn’t regret the decision, placing first in a super time of 1:14:39, ahead of 203 other runners. The course of 5k loops conducted on narrow fire paths in the forest, although relatively flat, is regarded as being much tougher than a road equivalent distance, but the cyclist leading Kieran round the course found it difficult to keep ahead of him! Karl Walsh took part in the second race with a field of 163, placing 39th in a time of 1:40:58, whilst we had 3 runners in the third race with its field of 54. The three were Áine Crotty, Olwyn Dunne and Miriam Logan. All three were using the event as a recce for the Donadea 50k taking place in February and were delighted to be given equal first place in a time of 1:55:27 (on gun as it should be). It will be Áine and Miriam’s first ultra effort, and, along with Olwyn, a veteran of the race and previous national 50k champion, we wish them well! On Sunday, we had only one runner in the Leinster Masters XC Championships, held down on a really hilly course, well known to many of us, in Avondale Forest Park, Rathdrum in the garden county. Michael O’Conor acquitted himself well in the 6k challenge, where, in a total masters field of 135, he placed 39th overall (14th in the age category) in a time of 23:15. Further afield, in Australia, one of our Sydney exiles, Niamh Allen, took part in the NSW Illawara track challenge where she ran in the women’s open mile, recording an excellent win in a time of 4:50.24. Finally, we focus on the parkruns, which took place in windy conditions on Saturday morning. Peter O’Toole was finally a first finisher again in St. Anne’s having knocked on the door on several occasions recently, and this in a much larger field than of late, of 535 participants. Peter’s time was 17:32 and he was followed by Irene Gorman (56th overall and 8th female finisher in 22:07) and by Michael Maughan (61st in 22:21). In the substantial field of 198 in Poolbeg this week, Stephen Hurley placed 2nd in 18:16 and he was followed closely by Ross Neill (4th in 18:19), then by Daniel Sheridan (9th in 20:16), Joanne Carey (27th and 4th in 21:59), Josie Ward (50th and 8th in 23:52), Franky Keane (57th in 24:19), Russell Murphy (72nd in 25:03), Kenan Furlong, on his way back to recovery from sickness (102nd in 27:00), Kevin Kenny, following his late night hilly exploit (104th in 27:11), Maureen McGinley (112th and 26th in 27:31), just ahead of Gillian Curran (113th and 27th in 27:32) and by Niamh Trihy (179th and 69th in 32:59). John Lohan and tara Murphy took on the field of 86 in Hartstown where John placed 8th in 21:26 and Tara found herself on the podium, placing 21st and 3rd in 24:50. Kate Murray also recorded a podium finish in 25:10 in the 112-strong field in Brickfields. Kate placed 34th and 2nd. Susanne Englidh finished in 41st and 5th places in 28:23 in Oldbridge alongside 71 other participants, whilst Paul F. Kelly took 17th spot in 23:14 in Poppintree with its field of 185. Sarah Lyons tailwalked in Tolka Valley whilst Orlaith de Burca did the same thing in Shanganagh behind Carina Davidson (71st and 13th in 26:46) and Stephen Mulligan (108th in 28:58). The field there measured 203. John Rooney headed to Sligo where in a field of 114 he placed 18th in 25:19, whilst Colm Foley joined 191 other runners in Griffeen Park, where he placed 51st in 24:05. Toby Benham and Helena O’Keeffe ran in Tramore Valley, Cork, where Toby placed 34th in 21:09 followed by Helena (102nd and 26th in 25:20). The field measured 316. Finally, in Cabinteely, where Olwyn Dunne was race director for the morning, we had at least 5 Crusaders in the event. Barry O’Mahony led our contingent among the 224 participants, in 16th place with a time of 21:38. Barry was followed by Fiona Shine (42nd and 5th in 24:55), Emer Kenny (90th and 17th in 28:03), Lisa Shine (94th and 20th in 28:16) an Mairead Cashman (132nd and 39th in 31:04). Art O’Neill Ultra (83) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Fabio Baltieri 1 06:52:35 14 Ellen Vitting 1 08:26:49 Crusaders AC runners 7 Valentin Akdim 07:33:42 15 Raghnall O’Donoghue 08:49:10 Full results here: Art O’Neill Hybrid (21) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Ronan O’Mahony 1 10:53:29 6 Sabrina Cantlon 1 13:35:41 Crusaders AC runners 16 Barry Smith 14:59:56 18 Tim O’Donnell 15:44:59 20 Gerard Moore 15:50:15 21 David Timoney 15:52:12 Full results here: Art O’Neill Pursuit (102) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Kevin Campbell 1 02:07:39 6 Patricia McLoughlin 1 02:17:32 Crusaders AC runner 62 Kevin Kenny 03:09:40 Full results here: World Half Marathon festival (1st race) (204) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Kieran Little 1 01:14:39 15 Vikki Browne 1 01:32:33 Crusaders AC runner 1 Kieran Little 01:14:39 Full results here: World Half Marathon festival (2nd race) (163) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Anthony Brady 1 01:19:10 23 Karen Wilton 1 01:36:54 Crusaders AC runner 39 Karl Walsh 01:40:58 Full results here: World Half Marathon festival (3rd race) (54) Overall place Name Cat. Place Chiptime 1 Daniel Conville 1 01:28:46 21 Áine Crotty 1 01:55:15 22 Olwyn Dunne 1 01:55:17 23 Miriam Logan 1 01:55:15 Crusaders AC runners 21 Áine Crotty 1 01:55:15 (1) 22 Olwyn Dunne 1 01:55:17 (1) 23 Miriam Logan 1 01:55:15 (1) Full results here: Leinster Masters XC 6k (135) Overall place Name Chiptime 1 Peter Arthur 00:20:27 Crusaders AC runner 39 Michael O’Conor 00:23:15 Griffeen Parkrun (192) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sarah MacMahon 1 00:18:20 2 Eamon Ryan 1 00:18:30 Crusaders AC runner 51 Colm Foley 00:24:05 Hartstown Parkrun (86) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aidan Dowd 1 00:18:45 7 Elaine Clarke 1 00:21:23 Crusaders AC runners 8 John Lohan 00:21:26 21 Tara Murphy 00:24:50 (3) Tramore Valley, Cork Parkrun (316) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Peter Howie 1 00:17:18 6 Orla Byrne 1 00:18:31 Crusaders AC runners 34 Toby Benham 00:21:09 102 Helena O’Keeffe 00:25:20 (26) Shanganagh Parkrun (203) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Brian Caulfield 1 00:18:07 21 Eileen O’Toole 1 00:22:51 Crusaders AC runners 71 Carina Davidson 00:26:46 (13) 108 Stephen Mulligan 00:28:58 196 Orlaith de Burca 00:47:07 Oldbridge Parkrun (72) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Danny Nugent 1 00:17:35 2 Sholah Alice Lawrence 1 00:20:35 Crusaders AC runner 41Susanne English 00:28:23 (5) Poppintree Parkrun (185) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Sean Henry 1 00:17:47 24 Aoife Kinahan 1 00:23:57 Crusaders AC runner 17 Paul F. Kelly 00:23:14 Cabinteely Parkrun (224) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Emmett Dunleavy 1 00:16:52 15 Cristin Scollard 1 00:21:34 Crusaders AC runners 16 Barry O’Mahony 00:21:38 42 Fiona Shine 00:24:55 (5) 90 Emer Kenny 00:28:03 (17) 94 Lisa Shine 00:28:16 (20) 132 Mairead Cashman 00:31:04 (39) Sligo Parkrun (114) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 David McGurrin 1 00:20:01 12 Aisling Burke 1 00:23:02 Crusaders AC runner 18 John Rooney 00:25:19 Tolka Valley Parkrun (46) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Aaron Mullan 1 00:19:10 8 Sorcha Foster 1 00:23:56 Crusaders AC runner 46 Sarah Lyons 00:50:09 Poolbeg Parkrun (198) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Alex Hurrell 1 00:18:00 7 Miranda Spencer 1 00:19:36 Crusaders AC runners 2 Stephen Hurley 00:18:16 4 Ross Neill 00:18:19 9 Daniel Sheridan 00:20:16 27 Joanne Carey 00:21:59 (4) 50 Josie Ward 00:23:52 (8) 57 Franky Keane 00:24:19 72 Russell Murphy 00:25:03 102 Kenan Furlong 00:27:00 104 Kevin Kenny 00:27:11 112 Maureen McGinley 00:27:31 (26) 113 Gillian Curran 00:27:32 (27) 179 Niamh Trihy 00:32:59 (69) St. Anne’s Parkrun (535) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Peter O’Toole 1 00:17:32 17 Fiona Stack 1 00:20:19 Crusaders AC runners 1 Peter O’Toole 00:17:32 56 Irene Gorman 00:22:07 (8) 61 Michael Maughan 00:22:21 Brickfields Parkrun (112) Overall place Name Cat. Place Guntime 1 Eric Cullinane 1 00:19:05 15 Mary Fee 1 00:22:54 Crusaders AC runner 34 Kate Murray 00:25:10 (2) Comments are closed.